Computer Science Canada


Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  My RPG

Allright, this is the product of a couple of weeks of work, I hope you guys enjoy. Rule # 1, the graphics are not good. I know that, please, no one post about how bad they are. The point of a game is to be enjoyable, not to look good. If you want something with good graphics, go to an art store and buy a painting.

Now that thats out of the way, controls.

When on the main map, wasd move you. Green squares will run you into a battle if you wander around on them too long. Flashing blue squares are save points. White squares you can pass through, and black squares you can't. Space bar opens the "Levelup" menu, and the hotkeys menu. Escape exits the hotkey menu.

In battle: wasd moves you, space bar jumps. Mouse buttons attack. If you hold the mouse button down for a while, it will charge the attack, and after a certain period of charging, the attack will do something different. You need the skill for that weapon at a certain level to be able to do the different charges. All attacks are in 3 dimensions, so you can jump over an explosion if the explosion is small enough. You can also jump over enemies, arrows, etc. Finally, if you time it right, you can hit arrows and fireballs back at their owners if you hit them with a sword or your fist.

Currently, there are only two screens because generating the story is the longest part of programming it, and the way i've designed the game, all that has to change is some data files. My friend is working on an algorithm to automatically generate those data files, so i shall see where that goes.

In the file, I have included two save files. One is at level one, and one is at level 50, in a higher levelled area. You have to level up the level 50 one in order to play it properly.

The controls will be in a readme file in the .rar as well.

For any text inputs, obey the prompts. I did some proofing, but not too much.

Also, the game uses directory paths, so don't move the files around or itll crash.

The map generator has been incorporated into the program, and it will auto generate the world map. There is boss fights now, but only one boss is implemented.

Author:  jamonathin [ Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah don't worry about the graphics, i mean personally, my favorite Final Fantasy game is FF3 (FF6) by far.

At first I was like, "oh great some crappy lil RPG game where I'm a red dot gliding", then I got into a fight and i was like "holy crap, this is friggin sweet, i get to hit the fcukers". And it was pretty cool because it was liek i was hittin em with a bat and they went flying, awesome work on the battles. However the Highlevel battles seem quite . . impossible.

No doubt this game isn't the prettiest, but I really liked the shadow effect and the obstacles in the arena. Only thing about the obstacles, they are drawn over the "DEATH!" sign so sometimes you can't even see that.

I especially liked the Tornado, did you use arcs for that? And the programming for it was very well done, i enjoyed watching the enemy bounce off the walls.

Overall, i think this game is pretty sweet. Definately needs some touchups visually (as you dont want to hear), but that can come later.
Very well done.

+ 25 Bits.

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Reply

Thanks for the praise. I updated it to fix that problem with the DEATH! thing. For the tornado, I just randomized some arcs at set radii. The reason the hilevel battles were hard was probably because you didn't upgrade stats. Very Happy Press space bar to access the stat menu. From there, i'd suggest you get at least 1000 vitality, at least 30 ish speed, and from there, specialize what you want. The skills are on the next page, and I made it so skill points and stat points are common, so upgrade your skills before upgrading your stats if you don't remember very well (Like me Razz)

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Update :D

The level generator will generate the entire world map for you.
There is only one requirement: you must delete ALL files in the levels
folder, except for the Act 2 (should be last file) one. The red squares
are boss fights (which I havn't implemented yet), and the point will
eventually be to find your way to the dead end boss fight (which will
be the final boss of the act). I suggest you don't try and run ahead
too far right away, or you will get slaughtered by the enemies (they
increase in level moderately quickly).

One other problem with the level generator is: If you have a save file,
and you use the level generator, your save file will probably become
corrupt. It will be pure luck if it doesn't Razz.

the co-ordinates in the top right refer to your X and Y position in
the world map. That is all the help you get Razz.

I'll try and work on the boss fights and possibly the level gen problem thingy, and post later.

Author:  jamonathin [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice updates to the game. Im not shure if you had it before, but I like the differences in the mages, different attacks for different levels - nice. The volcano is pretty cool too (im assuming it's a volcano).

The game was a little hard to start off, because my first fight was 2, lvl 4 mages who camped by the volcano, but that's just the luck of the draw Razz.
When i played the higher level it was cool how I could fly across the map Smile.

Food for Thought. .

You can hit the guys out of bounds, by the life and mana section - not in the air though, justl ike, slap them out of bounds, but they come back afterwards.
It's probabily not a high priority right now, but maybe you can add in a little screen after the fight, to see what you gained - (exp, gold, weapons, etc.) Since the style of your game is somewhat finalfantasy/super smash bros.

Good work.

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Major Update

*****Major Update*****

Thanks for the feedback jamonathin. I fixed the problem with the enemies, as well as adding a final screen.

The biggest changes in this update are: There is a shop now, with weapons and armour for sale, and therefore, there is gold earned from battles. Just press ESC on the save points to open the shop. (I have only designed like 4 swords, one bow, and one piece of armour.

Your sword goes both ways, if you know what I mean. And I think you know what I mean Smile
(Right click to swing counter clockwise, left click to charge / swing clockwise)

Act one is entirely complete, along with the story and bosses to go along with it. You can start playing act two as well, but I havn't tested too much, and the first boss in act 2 is mostly impossible (I think).

*Edit* Theres also purty pictures now Very Happy


Old save files should work, depending on where they are.

Minor updates:
Arrows nerfed, ice magic buffed, Vitality / Mana save now, Sword buffed, enemy warriors buffed, reflecting magic fixed, vitality nerfed, bosses rearranged / nerfed.

Installation instructions: If you have the game allready on your computer, don't copy the "Save" directory, or the "Levels" directory. If you do, it will erase your save files. If you don't have the game, copy everything.

Author:  iker [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

These shops that you speak of do not work. Aswell as not being able to save ether... I never realy understood how saving worked (In the first version I just ran around the blue box and it saved after a few seconds).
Also, maby make the window smaller outside of battle so that you do not just see useless white (just use another setscreen before and after battle if you don't know what I'm talking about)

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Allright, its fixed now... Several updates didn't post for some reason (I don't know why), but its up there for sure now.

Author:  iker [ Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm still having problems saving. Can you maby include full controls in the next update because I am realy interested in your game. Or maby just post them here.

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:22 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, sorry for the confusion. I've changed it so that "L" saves the game (that key won't work in the version you currently have though). The old method was to wander around on the save square. It functions like encountering a random battle (Once you take X amount of steps, it saves, and X is randomized).

The controls are listed above, but i'll go through a quick rundown here.

Out of battle:
w/a/s/d = movement
space = save screen

On save square:
l = Save
ESC = Shop menu

In battle:
w/a/s/d = movement
space = Jump
mouse = attack
1-9 = hotkey

Author:  jamonathin [ Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice updates to the game once again, but praise time is over Razz, here's some erros I've encountered

Main Map
- it says what level the enemies are - oh wait SIGHK! they're at elast 2 higher that what you say they are
- It's nice you added in some texture to your map, but now my red peroid (i like to call Kotex) can hardly be seen! Maybe keep him blue since thats his colour in battles - or outline him

The Shop
- the description says the stick is only 10 gold, yet it's 30
- im stuck at the bow screen, once you hit 1 for next page it keeps sayin thats not an option (so you ahven't done it yet) but then i cant enter 0 to go back

- when you kill an enemy is like "poof!", reward screen. I think you should show the Death . . . thing for single fights as well
- in teh same respect - when I die its like "yup you suck reload", it once again just, pops up sayin, "Hey, you died - load a save file". Maybe add in that Death thing or, laught at them or something Laughing
- I dont think you did this on purpose but you can't charge up your right click attack - maybe you forgot, i dunno

- Start Screen - soooo slllloooowwww. You dont need to keep refreshing the screen with View.Update and FontDraws over and over, just when they move the arrow.
Plus im not even shure if it's arrow key or 'wasd" that moves the option, i juss kinda get ancy and press em all.

Your game is still lookin good tho, juss clean up those things and I'll see what else I can find later Razz.

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fixed Very Happy

I fixed all of the problems, except for iker's suggestion.

Unless someone knows the default window size of turing, I can't change the out of battle one, because the in-battle window will change as well, and there are a few location dependant things.

Theres help in-game now, so i'm not going to post the updates.

One thing that I need to know about is balance. If there are any balance issues, such as the bow being overpowered, or the sword being underpowered (I hope i fixed those by now), please let me know. The advice i'm getting is great, and its really shaping up the RPG Very Happy

Author:  jamonathin [ Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice updates, i like the glowing effect - that can be changed due to different items later on in the game which could be cool.

For some reason my weapon broke before I even started hittin the enemy in my first fight :/.
I like lightning-fire trap - very cool and pwn3d the crap out of me.

The balance is not bad, it could get real tricky fighting the warrior and mage together with no elements to hit them into, maybe just bring down the mage damage? i dunno, maybe it was juss the lightning trap that hurt me so much.

Anyways lookin good Smile.

Author:  blaster009 [ Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awesome game Jerm...Hahaha...I've thought up a clever play on your name. (This is Ben, btw). Anyhow, I love the battle engine ver-e much! I know that once you're done the updates, it's gonna be the freakingest awesome thing where you getta hit those little circle things with the bat, and the fireballs are like "KABLOOEY" and theres arrows all over and it's like "FWISH FWISH FWISH"!!!! Yeah. I enjoyed hitting the guys a little too much. Smile

+ Bits

Author:  DIIST [ Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice.Very Happy Though i think you should encript your save file. I managed to set my health to a million, and my bank account to 9e100 Laughing
Other than that it was really good game. I like the fire storm effect. Twisted Evil

Author:  iker [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


put "the window size is ", maxx + 1 ,"x", maxy + 1

this will determine the window size that turing has, which should output

the window size is 640x400

the reason i used maxx and maxy + 1 is because the minimum value is 0, and 0 through 639 = 640 and 0 through 399 = 400.

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for feedback guys Very Happy new version posted (If you're getting tired of downloading them, Just wait a bit. I'll put a post when i've completely finished all bosses of all acts) Currently, I've created the last boss (I won't spoil any surprises yet), who is unique. He's not fightable in this version, because you can't get past Act 2. I fixed ikers suggestion, so the left edge of the screen is where the tiles end on the main map, while the in-battle screen is proper sized (Thanks for telling me that, I feel stupid for not thinking about that myself Razz) One thing though, I found that when I changed the battle screen to 640x400, the y was too small. I don't know why, because I can't find anywhere in my code that I changed it, so in spite of the fact that turing says its 640x400, it seems to actually be 640x480. Anyone have an explanation for this? Or am I just crazy?

Oh yah, and the reason I didn't encrypt save files yet is because I started off not encrypting them, and If I did encrypt them now, It would corrupt anyone who was playing the RPG's save files. When i've finished the actual storyline part of the game, I'll probably put in some XOR encryption.

@batman: Remember a while ago when you said you'd try and get some lightning sound effects? I could use em now please Razz

Thanks Very Happy

PS: Its the entheusiasm that keeps me working on this, thanks for it guys Very Happy

Author:  chrispminis [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haven't seen batman in a while so I took it upon myself to find you some.

Here are some links.
Particularly liked lightning,strike,big,distort from sounddogs. But its up to you.
For this one Ctrl-F Thunder and find the one titled Thunder. liked it. Smile

Anyways, other good queries for effects are magical spell sound effects etc. Found a good site for RPG sound effects but just your luck their lightning sound effect led to a 404 =\.

If you want me to, I can choose my favourites and email them to you.

Anyways gl.

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: is pretty good too

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Update

*New Update*
Update list:
Balance issues
Made the levels much more maze-like
New Enemy Types
New Terrain Types
Intelligent Enemy picking (I.E. You will only fight mage hunters if you are a mage)
Re-worked fist
Bug fixes
more Perty Pictures.

Thanks for the help with the sound guys, I've got a bunch of decent SFX in there now Very Happy

Author:  Delos [ Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Finally time for a review from myself. I've been putting off looking at this for a while simply because it was getting so much good press. I didn't want to be disappointed Wink . The good news is I wasn't for the most part.

On with it then:
I have to start this with a few simply requests:

setscreen ("nobuttonbar;position:middle;middle")

And don't give me the excuse "Oh noes! I won't have the Stopzor button any more!" You're a perfectly capable programmer and it would be no stretch at all for you to add an 'exit' condition to the in-game menu. Or for that matter an exit condition to the Main Menu!

As an RPG, your game has a few of the classic elements - leveling up, random battles, obscurely named characters with more than their share of history to which they subtely allude. It would be nice to see the introduction of more of a story line, some NPCs and the like, but this is a work in progress and for now this is still quite impressive considering it is Turing.

Your movement system is good. Just because I can, I tend to move through the, uh, World Map only on the diagonal since it appears faster (but is it!?). The in-game movement is good for the most part, but at lower levels the lack of speed is very sticky. But I'm sure that's how it's supposed to be.

I'm no big fan on dual mouse-keyboard control for anything, yet I seem to be seeing it rather frequently these days. Perhaps you did it to make your life easier, or because it suited your needs better. Whatever your reasons, it's a good thing you did it well. The addition of the lag-time between mouse-clicks that are converted into actions is useful and adds a little realism - as opposed to being able to shuttle out a thousand bolts of lightning at a whim.
You really might want to look into a way to cycle through weapons more effectively. Perhaps if one could access the Middle Mouse Button...? In the heat of battle against numerous opponents one may need to switch between mêlée and distance magic...and this is not the easiest thing to do while performing Evasive Maneuvers at the same time.
Jumping is a nice addition (and looks best when using Surround Lightning at the same time), though not one I had time to use very much. Battles tend to be very intense, hence one has not the time to incorporate such strategies too often. Sure, against a few opponents jumping is cute - but otherwise I found it mostly pointless.

The in-game menu system was practical and did its job. Again, I'd like to see the addition of a 'quit' function to it, and any other set of fcns you'd like. Would keyboard-only control make this easier for the User? I don't know, but perhaps you should try it out. (Or if you're feeling particularly whimsical, a combination of both keyboard and mouse).
The Main Menu was, again, functional. One bug I found was that it would crash upon 'Load' if no game existed to be loaded. Remember, the User is ultimately really stupid. Work around that.

As for the save files themselves...I guess it's a good thing they aren't too craftily, uh, encrypted. I probably wouldn't be finished it yet if I weren't able to, uh, customize my character's attributes.

The artwork is minimalistic, but a good change from your initial version of coloured-blocks. Not that there was anything wrong with that, and your engine has not changed too much, only what the eye perceives. I find it interesting that you've included the base pictures needed for the next two acts, though they haven't been developed yet. That's a good strategy if you're planning on releasing the acts as seperate add-on files for the game.

Sounds are fun, though don't always play.

Maps are a little confusing - an overall map showing explored terrain (perhaps from the in-game menu) would make life easier - especially since many screens look the same.

Magic system is one of the strongest aspects to the game. No need to comment much on its, since it's done very well. Perhaps having enemies capable of accessing some of the higher level magiks would be a good idea too (of course they'd have to be affected by the same delayed use as the User).
One thing I personally didn't like was how the energy bar would scroll when it got filled (for some magiks). This meant that all that time spent powering up was of no use. For those that had the auto-fire on max-energy...what if I wasn't pointing at the right spot at the time?
It would be interesting to see what you'd be able to do with this if you incorporated keyboard-only controls.
As an addendum to that...if someone powers up to the 'level 2' mark, and then attempts to attack, why should there be no attack if they only have the 'level 1' attack available? It seems little counter-intuitive - perhaps just an indication that the higher-level attack failed?

Randomness in battles is sometimes fun, often just weird. Not sure what some of those random circles are supposed to do, but they're there and add a little spice. One thing I'd improve on is making sure that the hazards are not created directly upon either the main character or any of the side characters. Adds too much of a handicap from the get-go.

So, what's with all the bandits? I mean, it's not like we meet anyone else other than bandits. Who are all these bandits robbing!? And why do they need to rob if they have such awsome weapons? Laughing

The first Boss (the one with wayside lightning) was the most interesting. The second was just a little odd, what with the appearing besides my character thing going on. Especially since one of the others threw fireballs
that could potentially hurt his own.

Apparently you have a Store planned. Perhaps it's already in there and I just didn't find it. Same comment as the whole 'explored world map' thing.

I'm curious to know if you're using Classes for this. A lot of things point to the answer being "yes", but I'm sure this could be done with more primitive objects too.

Just remembered: What the hell was that "weapon broken" thing all about in the first battle you encounter...?

Anyhow, overall a solid submission. It's good to see it progressing - shows that you're not giving up too easily. I've said (mostly) all that I wanted to.

+ bits (quite a few).

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow Shocked thats a lot to digest. Thank you for the comments. I've been working at it, and i've fixed some of the things you suggested, but I need some clarifications to continue.

#1: Did you read the help inside the game? Razz It tells you how to access the shop there (Press escape when on the save square)

#2: When you say "Main Menu" and "In Game Menu", What are you referring to? I'd take a guess and say "Main Menu" refers to the first menu you come across, and "In Game Menu" refers to the shop menu, but you said you couldn't find the shop menu, so... Confused

And then, to answer some questions / clear some things up:

The boss numbers are kinda screwed up, because I've turned the game form linear to maze-like. The "first" boss you referred to was actually the fourth boss in the game, and the "second" boss was the fifth.

That being said, there should be four acts in the version currently posted. To access the second one, you just need to beat the "fifth" boss of the first act, and it should instantly move you to act two. There is only a storyline for the first act, but the remaining acts are still 100% playable ('cept for the fourth one, I don't think the boss on that one is finished in the posted version).

The most complicated programming structure I used in this was arrays Razz I was planning on using classes and such, but when I started programming it, I forgot about them and just kept typing. By the time that I had hit 1000 lines, I realised that I had forgot about them, and decided not to start using them.

Thanks for all the input Very Happy

Author:  Quakerstate98 [ Thu May 18, 2006 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  How do you get a game to save

I am making alot of big games, currently like 3 in the making, yes 3 not 1 lol because working on one program for that long can be irritating, but anyways your program is prolly the best program i've seen on this website, how the hell do you code in saving to a prgram lol???

Author:  codemage [ Thu May 18, 2006 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

File input/output or "io" for short.
Check it out in the turing walkthough.
(It's not too hard, actually).

Author:  Cervantes [ Sun May 21, 2006 11:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice game, TheOneTrueGod.

Unfortunately, I was playing against the level 10 boss that spawns his own bandit fighters when the game crashed with a run-time error. On line 1340, variable has no value.

All in all, I'm most impressed!

Author:  TheOneTrueGod [ Sun May 21, 2006 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the praise everyone Very Happy The version that a lot of you have been getting is kinda old now, but I havn't updated THAT much in the new one, just a new act, and possibly some display things. The game has been "archived" now, in favour of learning OOT (Which I now realise would have made this game a LOT easier to manage... oh well)

Check out my Lost Magic game in the source code forum, its the current "project" i'm working on. (I'd like someone who knows plenty about OOP *cough* Cervantes/Delos * cough* to glance over the OO stuff and tell me if I'm doing it right, wrong or par. If you feel like it.)

Side Note: The game has been downloaded 2**7 times. Yay!
