Computer Science Canada

Microsoft Online Search!

Author:  MihaiG [ Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Microsoft Online Search!

check out the new windows live beta

Windows Live

its actually really cool

i like the image feature

move your mouse over the images

also has maps

Author:  Mazer [ Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did you know there's already a topic discussing this?

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:41 pm ]
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I would appreciate that they "tried" to make it as interactive/better than google but obviously google kick their butt and always will. Anyways, its cool but still nothing compared to google, besides they put so much effort into the searching interactiveness but what they dont know is the quality "inside" it matter more than its appearance.

Author:  bugzpodder [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:33 am ]
Post subject: 

i dont know about that... google's image search just seems so dull after using live... When I was searching for comics, I couldnt see anything cuz google image's thumbnails were too small. Live offers resizing which is much better. and so far the search hits i am getting by live isn't bad at all. I would say live is a good attempt. I've noticed that live lags somewhat compared to google, which is a bad thing

people uses google because they heard other people using it. How many people have actually measured search qualities Google extensively? Blind acceptence is never good. its important to keep an open mind.

And google's technology isnt that impressive. Successful things they have are search, ad sense, and google earth. Thats about it. Desktop search isn't bad but Vista will have functionalities to replace it. Everything else haven't really caught on. For example: Google talk lags behind all other IM services. Google news, is, well, like any other news site.

Author:  md [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

MS live is horribly slow for me (could be that it's not really designed for firefox on linux) but quality of results seems like it might be there. As for the images; I still prefer google's results. Although if you could tell google to scale images up a bit that'd be nice.

Author:  codemage [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:32 am ]
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Windows live is blocked here, for some obscure reason. (Our IT people apparently don't have to know anything to work here).

If it's successful though - you can probably expect a Google 2.0 which implements any of the more useful elements that MS comes up with.

Oh and, in one course, I get students to run a stats analysis on the quality of search results for the most popular search engines. Google is always at or very near the top for most accurate results. MS has generally had a poor showing.

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tried to add my website to search engines in both ms and google, ofcourse google showed the results 7 days before ms even considered it -_-

Author:  wtd [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

MS Live Search is a great web browser-based operating system. Too bad it's a terrible search engine.
