Computer Science Canada LanSchool Hack |
Author: | Dan [ Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:19 pm ] | ||
Post subject: | LanSchool Hack | ||
UPDATE: LanSchool has fixed the potential security flaw in v7.0 of there software on May 2007, so the bellow no longer effects LanSchool. NOTE: The bellow is only the option of it's poster, Dan. Like all posts on, it is only option and only the option of the poster. NOTE: "LanSchooled" is not the same as LanSchool, nor does it provied the same functions of or even work now that the potential security flaw has been fixed in LanSchool. For more up to date infromation see the wiki: and Normaly i whould not think of posting such work on this site but this is part of my campain to get school borads to realise that they shoud not be using LanSchool and that there are masive security falws in it. The Story During grade 12 i chaged schools, the new school i whent to had alot better networks and computer labs witch was a good thing, or so i thought. After playing around for a bit i noticed a litte green icon in the tast bar that did not seem to do anyting. Looking feathure in to this i found out it was a progame named LanSchool ( Now what is LanSchool you mayask, the names makes it sound insent enought, maybe somthing to help students? Well it may have started out that way but what it has become is basiclky a toringhorse progame for teachers to use to watch everything you are doing (incduing watching your screen) as well as giving them the ablity to control your computer or all computers in the lab at the same time. As ushealy the school borad decsied to spend money on somthing they could get for free and got a crapyer verson then what they could get for free. So i started looking in to LanSchool more and found a demo verson on there site. This demo verson could not interact with real versons the school used and whould not allow studens to do any damge. 1st i looked in to how it was effecting the regiersy of the computers it was on, and found that every time the teacher application sent a comand to the student versons it recored what windows user sent the comand, the windows name of the computer they where on and the time in all regersitrys of every comp on the network. This ment that finding a full verson of the software althougth not hard whould end you up in alot of trouble unless you brought your own computer to school and even then still could. So i begain to look at the packets it was send and to my shock they where UDP and not TCP and they had no ecription or coding at all to them. This means that it is exteramly easy to spoof the packets. So i quiclky wrote up a simple java progame to test out my theroy. Affter some time and exmermentation i decoded what most of the packets ment and was able to control the demo verson of LanSchool. Affter looking more at the packets i noticed that the difrces between the demo verson and the real verson is that the demo verso uses only one chanale witchis never used by the real verson. So it was simple a madder of chaing the chanel byte to a real chanle in the packet to get it to work with most if not all versons of LanSchool. Also this allowed me to make the regeisty logs say what ever i whonted, incuding blaming other stutdents for the hack. Now being the nice guy that i am i e-maied my findings to LanSchool and sugested several ways to fix this expolite. There repsoses was basiclky saying that they whould rather send time and effort enforcing the rules of the school and the law then fixing there progame. And made threats that legal aucation as well as sudesnions could take place if i where to use this progame. So next i whent to my school and aucatly demstorated (with there permision) the expoite and how unscure it was. Again nothing happend with my efforts so amoth latter i published how the packet worked on It is now almost 2 years latter and i have rewriten my hack so any one even script kiddys can use it. With a nice gui and everything. My hope by doing this is to teach peoleop why progaming like LanSchool did is bad security wise and to encorge the school borad to buy (if they most) better software from comapnys that know what they are doing and are willing to chage with the times. BTW LanSchools website still claims that there are no know bugs with LanSchool. The Packet This is what the packet looks like: Mode | Version | Channel [to blocks] |00 or DF |DA | D1| ___data here__|__log info__| Mode is basickly the comand you are send so far i have found alot of them and here are some expamles: 00 - start boradcast of screens 04 - restore computer screens 07 - blaken all screens 08 - unload lanschool or just frezz it up good The verson corposneds to what verson of lanschool you are runing versons 5.x seem to like 01 and 02 seems to be for 6.x The channel area is prity simple, it is the channel number. The demo verson uses channel FF in hex or 255 in dec. The next 3 bytes are kind of hard to figgure out but seem to allways be the same in the give verson of lanschool. For 5.x and the low 6.xs the 1st byte here should be 00 for 6.5 and some others it should be DF in hex. The other 2 seem to allways be the same. The data area is data for that comand, some comands do not need this like blacken all screens. The log area is where it puts the name of your computer and then your username for loging. This area also has alot of useless 00 bytes that just take up space. Application of the above The falowing is a very simple java application that will take adavagte of the above infomration to black out screens for the demo verson of 6.5 of lanschool only on the computer you are using. To send to all computers in a network you could use the ip
Note that for lesser verson of lanschool you whould have to chage the 0x3f to 0x00 and posibley 0x02 to 0x01 or another number. Aslo this is set to the demo chan 0xff and if u whonted to send to a real verson you whould have to set it to 0xChanNumberInHex. LanSchooled Now for what i did with all this knogagel to make a point and click lanschool hack that can help you understand how the packets work. Rember that this is only for educational use and should not be used for evil purposes and i take no respoblity for what you do with it. With that side, i only tested it on the demo verson but i whould like to hear from peoleop if they got it to work on other versons. How to use The top frame shows the packet that will be sent, you can use the easy set up buttions below it to set the packet to do what you whont. The times bar will let you say how many times you whont to send out the packet. Seting the channel to "ALL" will send to all posiable lanschool channels incuding the demo one. Seting the verson to "9" will send a verson 2 but with 0x00 rather then 0xdf. Seting to "2" will send verson 2 but with 0xdf. All other verson numbers send there verson and 0x00. The log info lets you set what to set the name and comp name of in the regersity logs of the computers effected. I whould storgy remocmend peoleop not expoit this to get peoleop in thoruble since that is just evil. You most hit send to aucatly send the packet. The easy set up buttions just configer the packet you are going to send. Where to get An windows excubalte, excubalte jar and the java sorce code have all been incudned in this post and should appaer below. In all cases you need java or a JVM instaled. Edit: Also see |
Author: | Neo [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:27 am ] |
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My old highschool used some kind of program like this. DOnt know whether it was Lanschool. I never really found any use for their computers except using a teachers account to print as much as I wanted. To bad I cant go back and try this out... So thats why they call you HACKER Dan. |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:30 pm ] |
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I'm fairly sure my school/schoolboard have the same thing, but they don't use lanschool. Teachers often 'take control' of your computer, and even more often view what you are doing. |
Author: | Dan [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:08 pm ] |
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[Gandalf] wrote: I'm fairly sure my school/schoolboard have the same thing, but they don't use lanschool. Teachers often 'take control' of your computer, and even more often view what you are doing.
I find that very few teachers even know about how it never mind how to use it. Uhsely it is only the network admin that dose. Still i whould sugested reporting this to your school and or school borad to help the cause in geting ride/fixing it. |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:18 pm ] |
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Such is not the case in my school. Most teachers I have seen know how to use it, and the software used isn't lanschool either so the same exploit probably wouldn't work. |
Author: | chrispminis [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:28 pm ] |
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Such harsh replies from LanSchool, would it be too much of a hassle to post your letter to them, and their reply? I wanna read it word for word. |
Author: | Dan [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:00 pm ] |
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chrispminis wrote: Such harsh replies from LanSchool, would it be too much of a hassle to post your letter to them, and their reply? I wanna read it word for word.
I whould love to but this was over 2 years ago when i made the 1st verson and talked to lanschool. I dougth i still have a copy since i moved like 3 times inbetween then and now but if i find a copy i will send you one. If some one can confourm that this hack works on a full verson (threw legal means) i will talk to them again and make post what they say. |
Author: | jamonathin [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:07 pm ] |
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My school has the LanSchool thing, is has the green ring incon. The .jar exec opened up, the exe didn't for some reason, meh. But I tried to use the black screen only to all computers but it didn't work for some reason, juss nothin happened. Unfortionately i was only able to test it once quick because i literally got it before the bell. Im not too shure why it doesn't do n e thing because i don't know of our version . . |
Author: | rizzix [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:29 pm ] |
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Dan it is illegal to post such exploits.. I think... you have to first let the company "fix" them only then can you publish them... On the other hand you could always widespread the exploits through some annonymous network... This would force the company to "fix" them.. and there's no way to blame it on you. |
Author: | Dan [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:45 pm ] |
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rizzix wrote: Dan it is illegal to post such exploits.. I think... you have to first let the company "fix" them only then can you publish them... On the other hand you could always widespread the exploits through some annonymous network... This would force the company to "fix" them.. and there's no way to blame it on you.
I do not blive that is ture in canada and rember this for education reasons jamonathin: when u hover over the green icon it will tell you what channel it is running on you need this to set the right channel or just set send to all. As for the verson try 0, 1, 2 and 9. |
Author: | 1of42 [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:24 am ] |
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Actually Dan, rizzix I believe is correct, but it's not really illegal so much as the company could sue you and probably win over it. |
Author: | Dan [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:09 am ] |
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1of42 wrote: Actually Dan, rizzix I believe is correct, but it's not really illegal so much as the company could sue you and probably win over it.
Aucatly form the law i have read incuding on the RMP web site it says that you have to have unahuthized access to a computer system to be viloting the law. If i where to use this expoit on some one eltes computer system/network i whould be breaking the law. But just making the expoit for educational reasons is not aggsited the law in canada but it is agaited the law in the u.s.a. How ever there is a big difrence between breaking the law and geting sued. You can do somthing legal and get sued. Tho i find this to be rather unlikey in this case. Also it should be noted that in canadain hacking cases all hackers who got caugth and where not aucatly derstoying anything or stealing money where senteced to a maxume of 12 moth probation and 2 months of comunity serivce. Tho it should also be noted that the u.s. has impresed hackers with out trials under nataional security reasons and could basikly never let them out or contacnt any one ever again and never see a layer. Edit: In addtion to the above it whould be exteramly bad for lanschool to pursue legal or clive law sutis agsited me since the P.R. whould be horriable. This comapny almost sloely relies on schools for it's income. Title like "LanSchool sues stutden who trys to help" and "LanSchool expoited by studens and dose nothing" are not going to big selling points for them. |
Author: | rizzix [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:13 am ] |
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Hacker Dan wrote: Also it should be noted that in canadain hacking cases all hackers who got caugth and where not aucatly derstoying anything or stealing money where senteced to a maxume of 12 moth probation and 2 months of comunity serivce. US is screwed up, but Canada does give you a criminal record. I'm clean so far hehe, i'd rather stay that way. |
Author: | Dan [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:20 am ] |
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rizzix wrote: Hacker Dan wrote: Also it should be noted that in canadain hacking cases all hackers who got caugth and where not aucatly derstoying anything or stealing money where senteced to a maxume of 12 moth probation and 2 months of comunity serivce. US is screwed up, but Canada does give you a criminal record. I'm clean so far hehe, i'd rather stay that way.Very ture but i am 99.5% shure that writing software alone will not get u one. You have to use it to gain unautherised access. And that is only in some provinces others simpley do not have any law about it. The way candian hacking law works for the most part is that u have to break another nonhacking spefick law. For example if u hack in to a bank and steal moeny you get charged with stealing money. If you destory files u get chaged with tings ranging form vandlismes to mistuchife. Just hacking in to a system could get u the comunity sevirece metioned above but wrting an expoit to do it and not using it will not. It falls under free speah and such. If you wiret up plans to steal money and get away with it and post them online u will not go to jail, how ever if u go threw with thos plans u do go to jail. I blive it to be the same with software explites and if i do get craged with somthing it whould be one hell of a law cases since i could applie to free speeah and bring it up prity high. By the time it was out of the courts i whould be retring and lanschool whould be long since dead. |
Author: | md [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:57 am ] |
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It's an old one but you can be charged with theft of computer time. Of course these days computer time is rather cheap... In reality hacking is not illegal in Canada; nor is posting exploits of comercial software. You don't need to give them any notice first either; even in the states. There are big cries in the media about it from companies like Microsoft, but IIRC no one has ever been successfully sued. |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:51 am ] |
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dan, didnt you post that around like a year or 2 ago in a thread called "contest 20 lines or less code" somehting like that. I remember seeing that there. |
Author: | BenLi [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:55 am ] |
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sorry about necro[posting, but this doesn't work |
Author: | Dan [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:28 pm ] |
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Are you shure you are using it on the right verson, LanSchool has made updates in the past that break the hack simply by chaning the protical. As i blive i side befor i only tested this newest verson on there demo and some old lanschool versons. The idea of this relases was a prof of consecpt and not so much a hacking tool that lets any one screw over the network. If you read the wiki page about it, it expains the problem with the lanschool protical and how to expolite it on your own. P.S. the issue could also be that your school has firewalls, the exe verson needs files that do not exists on the computer (the exe is a warped jar file, it is best to run it as a jar file rather then the exe verson), the school has an unsported verson, lanschool had fixed it (i dougth this) or you simpley are using it wrong. |
Author: | Hikaru79 [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:45 pm ] |
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It's interesting, because in the meantime between when you guys were debating whether or not writing the exploit is illegal if you don't USE it, something has happened to clarify the issue; that grad student in the USA has had his house raided by the FBI et al for publishing a program to generate fake boarding passes for Northwest Airlines. He never USED it and he specifically stated several times that he was only posting it because Northwest refused to fix their own security flaw, Congress still called for his arrest. (Notice the many parallels between his situation and yours?) Of course, that was in the USA, and in this terrorist-paranoid society we live in, fake boarding passes rank a little higher on the panic-scale than high school script kiddies controlling their friend's computer, I think the point stands that the issue is not very black-and-white. North America is pretty lawsuit-happy these days; I'd think about the risks, Dan =/ |
Author: | rdrake [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:03 pm ] |
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That somewhat reminds me of the case of DVD Jon, the guy who broke the CSS. |
Author: | md [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:02 pm ] |
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Here in Canada we're more protected then in the states. While our government still needs to be brought back into check (I should really run for some office...) it's not nearly as bad as the states. |
Author: | Dan [ Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:00 am ] |
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Acuatly the laws that made that posiable in the USA where in place since the milnumen act witch makes revice engering software or distrubiting expoites illgeal. As has been stated (like right above this by md) Canada dose not have such laws. Either way i am not removing it willingly |
Author: | Prince Pwn [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:27 pm ] |
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Our school uses Lan School, but it can easily be removed. Our school has the registry blocked so I wrote up a Turing program to re-enable the registry, then I switched all these "Disable Start Menu" and "Disable Task Manager" values from 1 to 0 and made it all into one little .reg file because DeepFrz.exe reset's the C:/ drive and registry values. Then you can just kill the process of Lan School and it will be off until the computer is rebooted, unless you get rid of Deep Freeze, but then I'd probly get in trouble |
Author: | Douglas [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:35 pm ] |
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Hacker Dan wrote: Acuatly the laws that made that posiable in the USA where in place since the milnumen act witch makes revice engering software or distrubiting expoites illgeal. As has been stated (like right above this by md) Canada dose not have such laws.
Either way i am not removing it willingly Reverse engineering is not illegal, and never has been (at least in the free world). It's one way companies ensure that competitor's products don't contain patent infringement. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act refers only to "technology that can circumvent measures taken to protect copyright". If you're wondering, here's the relevant section of the Criminal Code: Quote: Canadian Criminal Code Section 342.1 states: 342.1 (1) Every one who, fraudulently and without colour of right, (a) obtains, directly or indirectly, any computer service, (b) by means of an electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device, intercepts or causes to be intercepted, directly or indirectly, any function of a computer system, (c) uses or causes to be used, directly or indirectly, a computer system with intent to commit an offence under paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence under section 430 in relation to data or a computer system, or (d) uses, possesses, traffics in or permits another person to have access to a computer password that would enable a person to commit an offence under paragraph (a), (b) or (c) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. |
Author: | andrewgalpin [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
we use this at our school, ive been looking for a full version to try and hack at home, i dont get much time alone on a computer at school. but i'd just liek to say very well done you've done what i wanted to do! i will circlutate your program around to the rest of the world, so everyone can use it, then maybe they will think about there customers and treat you like an adult, not some kid with programming addilities. Thanks |
Author: | gillen15 [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
My highschool just started using that this year. I really don't like it. My teacher kept controlling my computer and she "accidently" turned off my computer and I hadn't had time to save what I was doing. I had to start my program from the beginning again. |
Author: | Clayton [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:21 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
That's why you should save every 2-3 minutes if you want to not lose something. Also, look when the last post in this thread was made. |
Author: | fishtastic [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RE:LanSchool Hack |
school Lan always sucked. Clayton @ Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:21 pm wrote: That's why you should save every 2-3 minutes if you want to not lose something. Also, look when the last post in this thread was made.
An alternative way is to turn of monitoring program using a 3rd party program. or a even simpler/better way is to unplug the internet connection. edit: school lan, not school (thats kinda true to) |
Author: | Nyrd [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:59 pm ] | ||
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack | ||
or . . .
Save that as a batch file, run it and worry not about any monitoring |
Author: | Tony [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
or boot into Linux from a CD, with your own choice of software |
Author: | Nyrd [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
I think that's the best solution so far |
Author: | jernst [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
agreed, thats how we beat the system over @ guelph. They have this stupid wireless setup that forces windows users to download some client software but if you use linux they can't enforce it |
Author: | Nick [ Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
heh I have a much easier way to beat the system, however for the sake of me still wanting to use it I'm not gonna post it (who knows who might read it) |
Author: | Hola amigos [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
Lets just sort out the lies from the rest of your good work. First one right off the bat. You are NOT in 12th grade or beyond. You spell like a first grader. I could barely read what you wrote so bad that even using a simple spell checker got overloaded and I had to do about 50 corrections by hand, 200 by spell checker. You have EVERYTHING wrong. You don't even know how to use the word they're in their house over there. God stay in school. Anyways, since it hurt my eyes so bad, I had to correct it. Please change the versions out before you burn bad grammar/spelling into someone else's eyes too. Quote: Normally I would not think of posting such work on this site but this is part of my campaign to get school boards to realize that they should not be using LanSchool and that there are massive security flaws in it.
The Story During grade 12 I changed schools, the new school I went to have a lot better networks and computer labs which was a good thing, or so I thought. After playing around for a bit I noticed a little green icon in the task bar that did not seem to do anything. Looking feature in to this I found out it was a program named LanSchool ( Now what is LanSchool you may ask, the names makes it sound innocent enough, maybe something to help students? Well it may have started out that way but what it has become is basically a Trojan horse program for teachers to use to watch everything you are doing (inducing watching your screen) as well as giving them the ability to control your computer or all computers in the lab at the same time. As usual, the school board decided to spend money on something they could get for free, and got a crapier version then what they could get for free. So I started looking in to LanSchool more and found a demo version on their site. This demo version could not interact with real versions the school used and would not allow students to do any damage. 1st I looked in to how it was effecting the registry of the computers it was on, and found that every time the teacher application sent a command to the student versions it recorded what windows user sent the command, the windows name of the computer they were on and the time in all registries of every comp on the network. This meant that finding a full version of the software although not hard would end you up in a lot of trouble unless you brought your own computer to school and even then still could. So I began to look at the packets it was send and to my shock they where UDP and not TCP and they had no encryption or coding at all to them. This means that it is extremely easy to spoof the packets. So I quickly wrote up a simple java program to test out my theory. After some time and experimentation I decided what most of the packets meant and was able to control the demo version of LanSchool. After looking more at the packets I noticed that the differences between the demo version and the real version is that the demo verso uses only one channel which is never used by the real version. So it was simple a matter of changing the channel byte to a real channel in the packet to get it to work with most if not all versions of LanSchool. Also this allowed me to make the registry logs say whatever I wanted, including blaming other students for the hack. Now being the nice guy that I am I e-mailed my findings to LanSchool and suggested several ways to fix this exploited. There response was basically saying that they would rather spend time and effort enforcing the rules of the school and the law then fixing their program, and made threats that legal action as well as suspensions could take place if I were to use this program. So next I went to my school and actually demonstrated (with their permission) the exploit and how unsecure it was. Again nothing happened with my efforts so a month latter I published how the packet worked on It is now almost 2 years later and I have rewritten my hack so any one even script kiddies can use it. With a nice GUI and everything. My hope by doing this is to teach people why programming like LanSchool did is bad security wise and to encourage the school board to buy (if they most) better software from companies that know what they are doing and are willing to change with the times. BTW LanSchools website still claims that there are no know bugs with LanSchool. The Packet This is what the packet looks like: Mode | Version | Channel [to blocks] |00 or DF |DA | D1| ___data here__|__log info__| Mode is basically the command you are send so far I have found a lot of them and here are some examples: 00 - start broadcast of screens 04 - restore computer screens 07 - blacken all screens 08 - unload lanschool or just freeze it up good The version corresponds to what version of lanschool you are running versions 5.x seem to like 01 and 02 seems to be for 6.x the channel area is pretty simple, it is the channel number. The demo version uses channel FF in hex or 255 in deck. The next 3 bytes are kind of hard to figure out but seem to always be the same in the give version of lanschool. For 5.x and the low 6.xs the 1st byte here should be 00 for 6.5 and some others it should be DF in hex. The other 2 seem to always be the same. The data area is data for that command; some commands do not need this like blacken all screens. The log area is where it puts the name of your computer and then your username for logging. This area also has a lot of useless 00 bytes that just take up space. Application of the above The following is a very simple java application that will take advantage of the above information to black out screens for the demo version of 6.5 of lanschool only on the computer you are using. To send to all computers in a network you could use the ip Code: public class LanHack { public static void main(String args[]) { try { InetAddress ipaddr=InetAddress.getByName(""); DatagramSocket mysocket=new DatagramSocket(); byte sendbuf2[] = {(byte)0x07,(byte)0x02,(byte)0xff,(byte)0x3f,(byte)0xda, (byte)0xd1}; DatagramPacket sendPacket2 = new DatagramPacket( sendbuf2, sendbuf2.length, ipaddr, 796); mysocket.send(sendPacket2); }catch(Exception e){} } } Note that for lesser version of lanschool you would have to change the 0x3f to 0x00 and possibly 0x02 to 0x01 or another number. Also this is set to the demo channel 0xff and if u wanted to send to a real version you would have to set it to 0xChanNumberInHex. Lanschool Now for what I did with all this knowledge to make a point and click lanschool hack that can help you understand how the packets work. Remember that this is only for educational use and should not be used for evil purposes and I take no responsibility for what you do with it. With that side, I only tested it on the demo version but I would like to hear from people if they got it to work on other versions. How to use The top frame shows the packet that will be sent, you can use the easy set up buttons below it to set the packet to do what you want. The times bar will let you say how many times you want to send out the packet. Setting the channel to "ALL" will send to all possible lanschool channels including the demo one. Setting the version to "9" will send a version 2 but with 0x00 rather than 0xdf. Setting to "2" will send version 2 but with 0xdf. All other version numbers send their version and 0x00. The log info lets you set what to set the name and computer name of in the registry logs of the computers effected. I would strongly recommend people not exploit this to get people in trouble since that is just evil. You most hit send to actually send the packet. The easy set up buttons just configures the packet you are going to send. Where to get A windows executable, executable jar and the java source code have all been included in this post and should appear below. In all cases you need java or a JVM installed. |
Author: | Tony [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:38 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
Hola amigos @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:29 pm wrote: Lets just sort out the lies from the rest of your good work.
You, sir, are an idiot and simply fail. |
Author: | Nick [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:42 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
agreed with Tony, although Dan's spelling isn't perfect, it's still 100% completely readable |
Author: | Sean [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
Dan is famous for spelling errors, it's the way he writes. Do not get an attitude like that Hola. Calling out Dan like that will not be taken lightly by friends and mods. So, please, refrain from backtalking to one of the best programmers here. |
Author: | Clayton [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
Tony @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:38 pm wrote: Hola amigos @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:29 pm wrote: Lets just sort out the lies from the rest of your good work.
You, sir, are an idiot and simply fail. |
Author: | StealthArcher [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
Hola amigos @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:29 pm wrote: Let's just sort out the lies from the rest of your good work. First one right off the bat, you are NOT in 12th grade or beyond. You spell like a first grader. I could barely read what you wrote, it was so bad that even when using a simple spell checker it got overloaded and I had to do about 50 corrections by hand after the 200 by spell checker. You have EVERYTHING wrong. You don't even know how to use the word they're in their house over there. God stay in school. Anyways, since it hurt my eyes so bad, I had to correct it. Please change the versions out before you burn bad grammar/spelling into someone else's eyes too.
Seeing as you like the correction of bad grammar, etc. Have fun with this. |
Author: | Dan [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
A few years ago i might have been mad at your post Hola amigos and flaming of me but now the more enlighened me just sees some one who is ignorenet and needs to be thought about learning disblitys. Hola amigos @ 17th April 2008, 3:29 pm wrote: Lets just sort out the lies from the rest of your good work.
Dispite the hostlity and flaming, i am acuatly complmented by you saying that dispite the spelling and what you think are lies it is good work becues as you will hopfully come to see thos two negitves don't mean anything and it boils down to just good work. So thank you for the complemnt i am gald you could get some use or information out of my post dispite my spelling problems. Hola amigos wrote: First one right off the bat. You are NOT in 12th grade or beyond. This is the first time some one has acuesed me of not being in grade 12 or beyond. I am not realy sure if i should be insualted by this or not. I do like the idea of being yong forever so in some ways being thought of as yonger is nice and it seems to some how make the work i have done that is good that much greater if i was not even in grade 12 when doing it. On the other side this is blantely false, at the time of posting that i was in grade 12 and am now in 4th year of a univerity program. I could easly prove this to you by showing an letter of enrolment form my educational isution but i don't see the need. If by this stament you mean that i should be in a lower grade then i am becues of my spelling then thats a bit diffrent but we will get to that. Hola amigos wrote: You spell like a first grader. I would say closer to 3rd or 4th grade but i have scored as low as first grade on tests that judge spelling so you got me there, i do. Hola amigos wrote: I could barely read what you wrote so bad that even using a simple spell checker got overloaded and I had to do about 50 corrections by hand, 200 by spell checker. You have EVERYTHING wrong. Ah, so you see my problem, if i use a simple spell checker i end up with more problems making it rather hard to compisante for my grade 1 spelling. Also spell checkers are not very effective over fixing things by hand when everything is wrong. I do thank you for trying to read my post and making corrections dispite my lack of spelling. This could help other users that have a hard time reading my spelling and for that i am thankfull. So thank you sir for reading my post and taking the time to correct it. Hola amigos wrote: You don't even know how to use the word they're in their house over there. You got me again, i don't. Hola amigos wrote: God stay in school. I plan to, i will be applying to grad school next year and hope to complete my masters and maybe even a phd. Thank you for the support. Hola amigos wrote: Anyways, since it hurt my eyes so bad, I had to correct it. Please change the versions out before you burn bad grammar/spelling into someone else's eyes too. I am very sorry for your eyes, unforntly Computer Science Canada is not repsoable for the pyshical or mental damge incured when viewing any post on this site inlcuding my own. I will look over your sugested changes and if they do not change my inintend meaning i will consdier editing my oringal post with them. Once again thank you for caring eought to correct it. Now at this point if you are still reading, you might be rather confused at both my responce and the recations of the other members. The pice of information you are missing is that i am very dyslexic. Dyslexia is a learning disbalite witch is gentic that cuases problems with how the brain proccess wirten langue (i also have a visual memory disoreder and some other fun stuff but we will not get in to it). This problem with the processing of langue means that for some dyslexics it is extreamly hard to spell right, read or wright. I my case i am lucky enought to have my reading ablitys under control for the most part however spelling and writing is another matter. Also unforntly for all dyslexics, as it is a gentic disorder there is no cure (intill some one makes nano bots that can recode dna) and the best we can do is learn copeing methods and other stageys to make our comunications at least understandable on some level and comapred to how i used to spell this is shakespeare (i had to look up that name to spell it right). Dispite being a conduction that effects the brain, dyslexia dose not effect intelgence, witch is why i am capable of being beyond grade 12 dispite spelling like grade 1. As i live in canada, our humman rights atack covers persons with disablitys, witch means schools, universitys, proforcers and empolyers can not discrimtante based on my spelling, so my spelling and gramer dose not effect my educational placement. I am not offened by your remarks and do not expect nor require an appolyage of any kind, few peoleop know of or fully understand dyslexia and offten jump to insualting peoleop for spelling. Suching is the problem with non-visable disblitys. I hope you do not think badly of our comunity for other members atacking you, they are just trying to protect/defened me as they know i am dyslexic and i thank them for caring enought to do so. For more information on dyslexic consualt google or (a defintion witch i aprove of). Thank you and good day sir, Sincerely Summer Glau P.S. I can kill you with my brain. |
Author: | Dragan [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:41 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
For all people here and for Dan How do you think that I can read your posts, I am learning english now, but I better write than you , please write words correctly because if I don't know some word and it is not writen correctly than I can't find translation in dictionary, so if I can try to write words correctly than you can too. |
Author: | Dan [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:51 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RE:LanSchool Hack |
Dragan @ 17th April 2008, 6:41 pm wrote: For all people here and for Dan
How do you think that I can read your posts, I am learning english now, but I better write than you , please write words correctly because if I don't know some word and it is not writen correctly than I can't find translation in dictionary, so if I can try to write words correctly than you can too. I don't mean to be hyprtical or insualting, however if you could read my posts correctly i don't think you would say "please write words correctly" or "if I can try to write words correctly than you can too" becues i can't. This might expalin alot of our hostily to each other in other topics as there are larger langue beriares then between you or me and the other users. It realy is neither of our faults tho you might want to try to read: It explains why i have a hard time writing words correctly. |
Author: | StealthArcher [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: LanSchool Hack |
Dan @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:46 pm wrote: Sincerely Summer Glau Nice Dan, very nice. |
Author: | Tony [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RE:LanSchool Hack |
Dragan @ Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:41 pm wrote: so if I can try to write words correctly than you can too.
Oh, but Dan does try to write words correctly. It seems your issue, though, is with the outcome of that attempt. Though it's not a fair assertion. I don't mean to sound offensive, but I'm quite sure that when you try to write code, it doesn't come out as well as it could either. (That is to say, it could always be better, faster, stronger) |
Author: | StealthArcher [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:LanSchool Hack |
Major OT, let's return to topic guys. |