Computer Science Canada

Recording RTSP streams.

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Recording RTSP streams.

I know I know, I have VLC Media player that records it. But the link to that stream is: rtsp://

I am able to record the video but the sound doesnt show up because the audio is mpga format Crying or Very sad I read somewhere that WMP plays mpga format but when I open the file with it, it displays "Error downloading codec"

I used .mpg extention for saved file and MOV format for encapsulation. Does anyone know wth is going on?! Or any other program that can record these types of RTSP streams: I have already tried WMRecorder and RMrecorder.

Thanks a lot! Razz

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:52 am ]
Post subject: 

ok nevermind, I figured it out. I used encapsulation as MPEG TS and file format as mp4v, ofcourse WMP doesnt play it, but VLC does Smile
