Computer Science Canada

Need some pointers....

Author:  CjGaughan [ Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Need some pointers....

Yeah, my Java is extremely rusty now, I haven't really got into any hardcore programming for about a year now.

Okay, but anyway, the problem at hand.

I need to write a sort of 'agenda' or 'planner' program. It is totally up to me as to what I want to do.

Okay I guess I could tell you what I do know. I have a pretty good grasp on all the simple concepts (lol, that's good Razz ), input, output, file reading/writing (to a point), and I have a bit of knowledge on GUIs

I can learn relatively easy, however, I need examples to work from. I hate sun's tutorials most of the time. heh.

But anyway, I just need some ideas here on where to go. The one part I'm working on right now is creating a nice GUI calendar, and I was wondering how I would do so (I'm not asking for code or anything, just how I would go about doing it - like what to use, etc.)

Any more questions to do with anything just ask.

Thanks guys!!

Author:  CjGaughan [ Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I was just rereading my post and I thought I'd explain what I mean by 'GUI calculator' better.

Just, something that is basically a visual calendar (like one you would hang on your wall).

and either the scheduled events visible on each day, or some sort of marking or something that would tell the user that something is scheduled for that day (the latter is probably a better idea).

I was also debating whether to make each day a clickable 'button' of sorts.

LOL...okay but anyway.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm asking for someone to write code for me or anything, because I'm not.

I just need some ideas, from someone who is a little more experienced with java, on how I should go about this.

Thanks again!

Author:  turboliux [ Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

you know what, believe it or not, i am doing kinda similar program. HOwever, i also dont know how should i do the calendar part Sad. i know that there is a jcalendar bean (i guess) that you can use in your program, however i dont want to use someone's code, for this project i m supposed to write everything myself... i know this is not helping, but still, at least you are not alone with such problem Very Happy

Author:  CjGaughan [ Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:05 am ]
Post subject: 

YESS!!!!!!! A fellow IBer.

I'm guessing this is for your dossier???


lol, but you know what, I do feel that LITTLE bit better knowing that someone is going through the same thing.

It really sucks for me because my class is the first year of IBers at my school, and there's only me and one other person in Computer Science.

Author:  turboliux [ Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

OMG, awesome man, i m doind it for dossier! well let me congratule you that you at least found such a forum, coz sometimes i feel like i piss my CS teacher... Razz
anyway, let me ask you in which IB CS level you are? i would strongrly recommend reading the CS syllabus, coz if let say you SL CS, then you dont have to worry about things like "linked lists" and "RandomAccessFiles". I am HL and will use those things.
w8ing for your replay Wink

Author:  CjGaughan [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, sorry for the long reply. I have this class every second day, and I missed last class.

I'll be beginning to work on this full time though, as it is due in less than a month.

But yes, anyway, I am in SL Computer Science, so there are less requirements that I must fufil of course (as you mentioned).

Ugh. I just need to get a decent start on this, I'm running out of time quick! (IB seems to teach VERY good procrastination skills)

Author:  turboliux [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

so are you in 11 grade or 12?
if you in 11, then you have time, start with ideas: what will your program do? how? etc.
if you in 12 grade Confused then i have sad news to you: you really need to hurry up!!! i mean start doing something, at least it (program) is somehow useful to someone and you can write a lot of pages about it. For SL it needs to be simple! It does NOT have to work excelent. writing is more important in dossier than codding. In my CS HL dossier i have to write 60-100 pages!!! and i have 10 so far. The program design life cycle, all those diagrams, flow charts, hierarchies,... etc. this is more important now. so start drawing/writing down something, get an example dossier somewhere (cant tell you), perhaps ask your teacher or friends and look how other ppl did it. try to imittate the structure and the key points they wrote. however, dont imittate too much, dont even think of copying, coz in IB you can loose your diploma very quickly for plagiarism...
well, good luck. i m kinda in same situation here. but i m still doing my extended essay. so i will start working on dossier when i finish EE. i am so close...
ok good luck Wink
