Computer Science Canada

Help with my survey program!

Author:  mrtorelli [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with my survey program!

Hey, I need some help with my current survey program. If anyone has any ideas on how to make it really good so I can get a really good mark.

Below is what i have so far.

var userchoice:string
var score:=0
%First Question
put "What Year Did The September 11th Attacks Occur On?"
put "a) 2000"
put "b) 2001"
put "c) 2002"
put "d) 2003"
get userchoice
if userchoice = "a" or userchoice = "A" then
score:= score - 1
put "Sorry, that is incorrect, Your Current Score is ", score
elsif userchoice = "b" or userchoice = "B" then
score:= score + 1
put "Yes, you are correct, Your Current Score is " , score
elsif userchoice = "c" or userchoice = "C" then
put "Sorry, that is incorrect, Your Current Score is ", score
elsif userchoice = "d" or userchoice = "D" then
put "Sorry, that is incorrect, Your Current Score is ", score
put "Entry is invalid, try again"
end if
end loop
%End Of First Question

%Second Question
put "What Is The Ice Cubes Real Name?"
put "a) Jajuan"
put "b) Tywan"
put "c) O'Shea Jackson"
put "d) Dameane"
get userchoice
if userchoice = "a" or userchoice = "A" then
score:= score - 1
put "Sorry, that is incorrect, Your Current Score is ", score
elsif userchoice = "b" or userchoice = "B" then
put "Sorry, that is incorrect, Your Current Score is ", score
elsif userchoice = "c" or userchoice = "C" then
score:= score + 1
put "Yes, you are correct, Your Current Score is " , score
elsif userchoice = "d" or userchoice = "D" then
put "Sorry, that is incorrect, Your Current Score is ", score
put "Entry is invalid, try again"
end if
end loop
%End Of Second Question

Author:  Albrecd [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why would a survey have incorrect answers???

Please be more specific with what you want, there are many ways to make your program look good.

Author:  sylvester-27 [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

what albrecd is saying is that all you need is and "if" statement for the correct answer and for the incorrect ones, use a "else"
if userchoice = "a" then
put "That is correct"
put "That is incorrect"

Also, why are you looping each question? Just loop the entire program and make the survey (also this is not a survey. this is a multiple choice program. survey involves yes or no or explain questions) record data from multiple users.

Author:  Albrecd [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

what albrecd is saying is that all you need is and "if" statement for the correct answer and for the incorrect ones, use a "else"

That is not what I said at all! I was questioning how you could get the wrong answer on a survey.

Anyway, instead of using "if userchoice = "b" or userchoice = "B" then" you could use the Str.Upper or Str.Lower commands to convert the answer to one case (provided you have a version of Turing that supports this) or create a function to do this yourself.

Author:  Rasta Fella [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wait let's get things clear first...surveys DO NOT have INNCORRECT answers...that's what Albrecd was trying to say. Second I prefer you change the title of your program from SURVEY to QUIZ. Hope that clarifies everything up.
