Computer Science Canada Grade 10 Computer Engineering Technology class? |
Author: | x [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Grade 10 Computer Engineering Technology class? |
I'm already taking Computer Science class next semester but I also signed up for Comp. Engineering Tech. Since Tuesday is the last day to change classes, I would like to know what you would do in this class, just so I can find out if I am still interested. |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:37 pm ] |
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Well depending on your school for compsci, you will either program in VB or Turing, so check out VB/Turing tuts and look to see if you like it, Comp Eng grade 10 mostly deals with programming in Turing but with stuff like parallelput and parallelget. It spends most time on the compsci rather than engineering for a grade 10 course but I might be wrong, it really depnds on your school. |
Author: | brenn [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:39 pm ] |
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In Comp Eng at my high school, they actually did an engineering project (some sort of a remote controlled car), and things like circuitry and logic gates. There was minimal overlap with computer science, I believe. |
Author: | Dan [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:00 pm ] |
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In my grade 12 Comp Eng we did a robot wars thing as our final project. But they could not be remote controled and had to have there own AI. If you pushed them out of the area u win. If yours cought on fire you lose. For my grade 12 Comp Sci, i was the only one in the class and it was lonely =p. But i did alot of work from a u of w unversity text book (aucatly i did every chaterper) and then a fainly projgect witch prity much was make any progame as long as it was well designed, decumented and use all the skills you learned in the class. For mine i made an RPG API for java. My CompSci when somthing like this: Grade 10: Turing Grade 11: C++ Grade 12: Java Unviersity is not so langune based and teaches more to the conspects then the langune witch makes sceens. But the langs in used in you are: Year 1, semster 1: C Year 1, semster 2: C/C++ Year 2, semseter 1: C/C++ Year 2, semester 2: Java and ASM (assembly) |
Author: | cool dude [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:42 pm ] |
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it really depends on the school. if u like computers then u will like it. in my school it went like this grade 10: Turing Grade 11: VB Grade 12: Java for computer engineering in Grade 10 u do absolutely nothing fun!!! in grade 11 all u do is a trafic light system, but as MysticVegeta mentioned u mostly program it on the computer in Turing. in grade 12 it gets a lot better because u actually first design joy sticks, and then for your final project u can do anythin u want!!! (Freedom). i see people doing remote control cars, bridges, cranes. a really good one i saw recently although it was a little advanced was a baseball throwing device. u know those things that ppl use to practice baseball that shoot out a ball at u. pretty neat project (although it was used with ping pong ball, because motors to weak at school). Anyhow if u like computers and thinking of goin into the field i strongly recomend taking the comp courses |
Author: | wtd [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:31 am ] |
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If you're going to be taking a course that includes programming, don't think you're limited to whatever programming language the course uses. There are likely easier languages to learn, and the concepts you get a grasp on there would help you with whatever language the course uses. |
Author: | blaster009 [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:40 am ] |
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We're just introducing engineering at my school...From what I've heard, you cover the very basics of computer programming. However, the course IS an engineering course. This means you'll be focusing on the actual hardware part of computers (like the processors, and how they work) instead of the software (the programs that we write to run on the hardware). You'll probably be poking around with switchboards, boolean logic, binary, robots and the like. At my school, Lego Mindstorms is a big part of the course, and you'll probably get a chance to look at that. It's a very interesting, more hands-on approach to computers, whereas software gets very abstract at times. You'll have fun either way though ![]() |
Author: | edoxus [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:44 pm ] |
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First: Is your school on the TDSB, what school is it. Like brenn says, yo do some sort of remote controlled car that you use a laptop to control. My friend told me so too, next semester im taking Comp engineering. I already took COmpsci, my teachir was bullshit and so was the course. He never taught us anything, all he did was mark our assignments and get scamed by us for perfect marks. (it was like self tutorial) I advice you to start asking about the teacher that you'll have. Make sure he will actually "TEAch" something. Unlike me, got a 95% avg and learnd absolutely nothing. BTW, does any one know how to hack TDSB(apart from installing keyllogers on the teachers PC) |
Author: | rizzix [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:49 pm ] |
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Fix your avatar.. its huuuge.... well Wiiide.. fix it |
Author: | md [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:57 pm ] |
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Despite what people seem to think... what you do in Comp. Eng. is entirely up to your school/teacher. Usually it involves controlling something from the computer in higher levels, but it doesn't have to. People sayig specific things like controlling a car or similar are just guessing for all intensive purposes. Comp. Eng. is a good course simply for the marks though, it's easy to do well and even if you don't take computer engineering any further it'll probably be worth the experience. |
Author: | eklypze [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:23 am ] |
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I hated my Grade 11 Computer Engineering Course. They incorporated CCNA-1 Networking into it so we didn't get to do much "Engineering". We only learned a bit about logic gates and how that stuff works, the rest was CCNA-1 Networking. You guys make your schools sound so fun, I envy you guys. ![]() |
Author: | Amailer [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:15 pm ] |
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Over here, in grd 10 we learn VB...strange, I thought we would learn VB in grd 11 and Turing in grd 10- unless they completly scrapped turing from the program because I can't seem to find it... (the application on the computers) |
Author: | cool dude [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:52 pm ] |
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like cornflake said it really depends on your teacher and what he/she choose to do. r teacher is really good although i hate her because i made one spelling typo and lost 15% and she said its not user friednly B.S. Hacker Dan would fail if his teacher would do that to him (lol). this is a bit goin of topic but did somebody do the DEEP program at U of T. i'm thinking of doin it but i dunno wat its about. |
Author: | Dan [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:36 pm ] |
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cool dude wrote: r teacher is really good although i hate her because i made one spelling typo and lost 15% and she said its not user friednly B.S. Hacker Dan would fail if his teacher would do that to him (lol).
What is with you and my spelling? This is like the 3rd time you have refured to it this month that i have seen when the topic is not even about me. I can't spell we get it, now move on or start help writing the DoD. Also if she did take marks for my spelling she whould not be a teacher for long sicne it whould be agisted humanrights charters in my case.... |
Author: | Andy [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:37 pm ] |
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rofl... discrimination against the spelling impared? i'd like to see you make a case outta that one dan |
Author: | rizzix [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:10 pm ] |
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Author: | cool dude [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:14 pm ] |
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wow Hacker Dan chill out this was just the second time i'm pretty sure and i just used u as an example. don't worry i won't use u as an example no more, besides the other time it wasn't me that mentioned your spelling. |
Author: | Dan [ Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:01 am ] |
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Andy wrote: rofl... discrimination against the spelling impared? i'd like to see you make a case outta that one dan
As i have sated befor on this site my spelling ablity is not me being lazzy or stuiped it is due to a gentick condtion that effects areas such a visual memory, difficulties with accurate and / or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. This disablity is called Dyslexia, it in no way effects integencle but only the i/o of the brain you could say. It is also not that uncomen with rates as high as 15-20% but most are realtively low cases and are never dected. In my case it is as suvier as it gets but dyslexia is not all bad, it also has good effects witch cases above avagra ablitys in other areas witch is just recentaly being stuided. And for thos who keep asking can't you just memorize how to spell? No i can not, i have spent may hours in the past learning ways to get to where i am but in alot of cases with spelling it just is not posable due to how my brain is psyicalky made up. This also has effects on simple math ablitys like adding and subtracing, mupltiling and such but not hire level conspects. There is no cure for dyslexia since it is not a deases and even if there where i whould not whont it. It is part of who i am and has it's good parts. If you whont to learn more about it you can google and find out tones of inmortiomn. Unfrontly some of it i have seen out there is not 100% corenct and only a few resrachs are starting to realizes the benfites of it and learning to use it to teach childern idenfied with it better. Now how this tiles in to spelling, marking and school. If a person has been digantoesed with a level of Dyslexia high enought by a education pyscatircks you can get acocmadations to your education prgomages in any level of shcooling (uni, highschool, ect). Since this is an offical disbility and franky there is no way in hell i will ever be able to spell 100% in almost any case marking for/on spelling is not alowed and in some case other acomdations are put in like adiation time on exams, use of a spell checker on writen exams and use of a word process and in some rare cases cheat sheets. This is all writen up in nice offical and confidental document (since it is your right not to tell peoleop you have a disbality) and a letter is sent out to all profs/teachers infromting them of the acomdations they _have to_ provied. If they choice not to it is relooked at by the dean of the progme and they decies if it is aproivet to the disblity and then will most likey tell the prof to deal with it since if they do not provied acocmdations for dsiablitys they can get sued. In high school teachers do not realy get the chance to applie it. Also in uni case if the dean appiles it gose to a borad at the admin level of the uni where lawyers start geting invaled. Dyslexia also causes fun stuff like: - bad spelling - bad moter skills leading to horable writing - longer time to process infromation like basilky math operations - trouble reading and taking longer to read - trouble memorzing numbers, words, equations, ect - and many effects steming from thos incuding pysogical ones steming for the lack of understading in our socity. Edit: To cool dude; i am not made our raging with anager i am just trying to get peoleop to understand and gets a litte boring hering it 100% of the time. I can laugh at my self as you see with the full sport of the DoD porgect and things. I just do not whont peoleop to think it effects my integence level. Also to awnser some questions peolop have asked in the past: Q. arn't you screwed job wise? Poleop not hring you/not being able to write reports? A. No, i am protected under the same laws that i am in uni and you can not fire or not hire some on based on being Dyslexia just like any other disblity. Q. how do you get your code to complie? A. That is what the debuger is for ![]() Q. Can't you just learn/meroize how to do X A. No/not ushely/not easyly, see above. |
Author: | Martin [ Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:08 am ] |
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Yay for lysdexia! |
Author: | Dan [ Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:12 am ] |
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Ya forgot to add reversing of words, letters, numbers in any aganle or relftion at random.... Edit: I hate lower case b and d. Also I, l and 1. and p and q sigh.... |
Author: | cool dude [ Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:48 pm ] |
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srry Hacker Dan i actually had no idea. i though u were just lazy like me with not spelling out you and just writing u. plus your benefits r great never being marked on spelling. in my opinion u might lack in spelling but u excel in computers a lot and i always though u were quite intelligent. again srry for the jokes about your spelling didn't know. ![]() |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:32 pm ] |
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:/ Hacker Dan wrote: I hate lower case b and d.
Seriously, I was having trouble with these till at least grade 2, which caused a small amount of trouble because I have a d in my name. Don't know why. |
Author: | lil_mickey [ Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:55 pm ] |
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Man u guys got comp eng at ur school? ![]() |
Author: | Dan [ Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:56 pm ] |
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lil_mickey wrote: Man u guys got comp eng at ur school?
![]() Unforntly from what i have seen in comp eng in highschool you will not have much more of an idea affter taking it. For the most part it was the basicks of puting a comp together, hdd goses here, ect and the basick conspects about logic gates and simple cricuts. There is also some asm, picbasick pro and truing progaming to control hardware. |
Author: | eklypze [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:53 pm ] |
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Quote: Unforntly from what i have seen in comp eng in highschool you will not have much more of an idea affter taking it. For the most part it was the basicks of puting a comp together, hdd goses here, ect and the basick conspects about logic gates and simple cricuts. There is also some asm, picbasick pro and truing progaming to control hardware.
My school is so pathetic we did not do most of that. All we did was CCNA Networking and very simple logic circuits. We didn't even learn to build a computer or anything. |
Author: | Neo [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:28 pm ] |
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[Gandalf] wrote: :/
Hacker Dan wrote: I hate lower case b and d.
Seriously, I was having trouble with these till at least grade 2, which caused a small amount of trouble because I have a d in my name. Don't know why. Your name is really Gandalf? ![]() |
Author: | Andy [ Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:38 pm ] |
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LOL nice... |