Computer Science Canada


Author:  chrispminis [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Actually, COOLEST IDEA EVER!

Wanna ...
have fun?
wanna shut me up?

Actually, its a Rock, Scissors, Paper Tournament.

Thats to the original thread.

Either nobody checks the contest section, or there has been no interest in it. although i cant think of why since it sounds like a fun idea IMO. Anyways, if this isn't allowed ill take this thread down, but i thought since this IS off topic im allowed to post anything here.

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sure. Just make it more clear what you want us to do. I don't feel like downloading 5 things and reading more confusing rules. Give a concrete basis for us to create our function and a short explanation. Needs to be organized, and breif.

Author:  cool dude [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

i would join but exams r coming up and plus i would like it more if it could be any programming language b/c i don't use Turing anymore and i forgot a lot of it.

Author:  chrispminis [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unfortunately, I can only support Turing, since its the only language i know well enough and own. Also to Gandalf, i do have all that, unless its still confusing in which case ask questions. But its not function based, because i did it my way, which is slightly confusing, but it works well since you can use any of your opponents previous moves etc. Allows for better history based programs and even better statistic based programs. I don't really know if I could convert it so its function based and still keep all the potential of the version i made. You could take a look at the source and tell me if you can improve it.

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Things that i see wrong with this:

1. What bits? Where are you going to get thess bits from?

2. Do not post a post about a post you made, that is spaming.

3. I am prity shure that some one eltes had this idea, almost exctaly this idea. (was it martin?). And that contest did not go over so well with very few enterys

4. the pesodo-random genreator in turing is quite simplistick, if one simpley uses it by geting a random number then traslating it in to the rock, paper or sizores it whould be realtively easy to generat the next random number that it will get using the formuals to make pesodo-random numbers. Also if both functions are ran in the same turing programe it whould be easy to make lite hacks to manupliate the other function.

But behond that have fun with the contest, i just trying to help with some of the problems you could encoutor above.

Author:  chrispminis [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hacker Dan wrote:
Things that i see wrong with this:

1. What bits? Where are you going to get thess bits from?

2. Do not post a post about a post you made, that is spaming.

3. I am prity shure that some one eltes had this idea, almost exctaly this idea. (was it martin?). And that contest did not go over so well with very few enterys

4. the pesodo-random genreator in turing is quite simplistick, if one simpley uses it by geting a random number then traslating it in to the rock, paper or sizores it whould be realtively easy to generat the next random number that it will get using the formuals to make pesodo-random numbers. Also if both functions are ran in the same turing programe it whould be easy to make lite hacks to manupliate the other function.

But behond that have fun with the contest, i just trying to help with some of the problems you could encoutor above.

Well, by bits i mean all of my bits, however much that is when contest ends. Also, i didn't know it wasnt allowed and just in case i put it in off topic, where i thought you were allowed to spam, since it was once spam.
I know someone else had idea, thats where i got it, i wanted to do another one hoping it would be more successful :\ Well its against the rules to manipulate each others entries, you can only use opponents history, not his actual entry lol. And if anyone figures the pseudo random out its alright. I don't know how hard it is, but let them, there will still be entries that do not rely very much on random numbers
