Computer Science Canada

Email Program

Author:  Geminias [ Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Email Program

hi, i need a few tips before i get started on a program that will automate the e-mailing process. When i'm done i'll be happy to provide source.

Basically I want to write a program that can email independant of an e-mail program like outlook, so you write the email in a seperate text file and then use the email program to send it out to hotmail. I'd prefer it to send to hotmail because that is what i use.

So what do i need to know to send an email to a hotmail inbox?

Author:  wtd [ Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

You'd need to know a fair amount about networking.

For this kind of stuff, it will honestly probably be easier for you to learn a whole new high-level language than to try to do it in C++.

Author:  rizzix [ Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Or. Learn how the Http protocol works. Then use SimpleSockets Wink
