Computer Science Canada

passing values to other programs

Author:  pavol [ Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  passing values to other programs

is there any way to communicate between programs? for example, run two programs and have one of them pass a value to the other so the other one can do something with it. not writing some data to a file or database and having the other program read it. something like using API's, you pass them a value and something happens. is this possible? Hit Wall

Author:  cool dude [ Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

yes just make a module! Smile

Author:  HazySmoke)345 [ Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh, nevermind. I read your question wrong. Sad Sorry! I'll try to delete my last reply. I've never tried to send information between projects before, if it's between 2 VB projects, why don't you just combine the two projects into one? It shouldn't take long to do that. but if you really want them to be separated... try the FillMemory function. I think that function will do it.

Author:  cool dude [ Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

lol i read your question wrong too. as hazysmoke said just combine the two projects into one, easiest way Smile

Author:  pavol [ Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the help Very Happy
