Computer Science Canada

query time

Author:  masterfenix [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  query time

I am making a little database program, where I have made a module that works with records.

basically theres a 'delete' proc,which takes a recrod and changes the "isDeleted" parameter to true.

NOW... my question is.. i wanna display like "Query took 0.002 seconds" or something like that. I know the proc goes by REALLY quickly.. so .. but even for other procs.. is there somethng I could use to start the time at 0 and put it out after the proc has ended.

Author:  Cervantes [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 


proc declaration
    var start_time := Time.Elapsed
    % actual procedure
    put "Query took ", (Time.Elapsed - start_time) / 1000, " seconds."
