Computer Science Canada

Huge Multi-User Chat

Author:  GhostCobra [ Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Huge Multi-User Chat

Got Source?

Server Code:


put "Chat Server Started on ", Net.LocalAddress
put ""

const minPort := 20000
const maxPort := 65000

proc waitForChar (incomingConnection : int)
        if Net.LineAvailable (incomingConnection) then
        end if
    end loop
end waitForChar

proc acceptIncoming (clientPort : int)
    var port : int := 65
    var serverAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    var clientAddress : string := ""
    var incomingConnection : int := Net.WaitForConnection (port, serverAddress)
    waitForChar (incomingConnection)
    get : incomingConnection, clientAddress : *
    put "Client: ", clientAddress, " Connecting on port: ", clientPort
    put : incomingConnection, clientPort
    Net.CloseConnection (incomingConnection)
end acceptIncoming

proc serverChatConnect (clientPort : int, var clientAddr : string, var clientNick : string, var incomingConnection : int)
    var serverAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    incomingConnection := Net.WaitForConnection (clientPort, serverAddress)
    waitForChar (incomingConnection)
    get : incomingConnection, clientAddr
    waitForChar (incomingConnection)
    get : incomingConnection, clientNick
end serverChatConnect

var clientAddr : array minPort .. maxPort of string
var clientNick : array minPort .. maxPort of string

var text : string := ""
var incomingConnection : array minPort .. maxPort of int
for i : minPort .. maxPort
    incomingConnection (i) := 0
end for

proc relayText (clientPort : int)
    for i : minPort .. maxPort
        if incomingConnection (i) not= 1 and incomingConnection (i) <= 0 then
            put : incomingConnection (i), clientNick (clientPort) + " says: " + text
        end if
    end for
end relayText

proc relayServerMessage (clientPort : int, text : string)
    for i : minPort .. maxPort
        if incomingConnection (i) not= 1 and incomingConnection (i) <= 0 then
            put : incomingConnection (i), clientNick (clientPort) + " has " + text
        end if
    end for
end relayServerMessage

process acceptText (clientPort : int)

    var exitText : string := " exited."
    var connectedText : string := " connected."

    relayServerMessage (clientPort, connectedText)

        waitForChar (incomingConnection (clientPort))
        get : incomingConnection (clientPort), text : *
        if text not= "exit" then
            put "Client ", clientAddr (clientPort), " with nickname ", clientNick (clientPort), " on port ", clientPort, " sent: ", text
            relayText (clientPort)
        elsif text = "exit" then
            put "Client ", clientAddr (clientPort), " with nickname ", clientNick (clientPort), " on port ", clientPort, " has exited."
            relayServerMessage (clientPort, exitText)
            Net.CloseConnection (incomingConnection (clientPort))
            incomingConnection (clientPort) := 0
        end if
        exit when text = "exit"
    end loop

    clientAddr (clientPort) := ""
end acceptText

var clientPort : array minPort .. maxPort of int

for i : minPort .. maxPort
    clientPort (i) := i
    clientAddr (i) := ""
end for

    for indexPort : minPort .. maxPort
        if clientAddr (indexPort) = "" then
            acceptIncoming (clientPort (indexPort))
            serverChatConnect (clientPort (indexPort), clientAddr (indexPort), clientNick (indexPort), incomingConnection (indexPort))
            fork acceptText (clientPort (indexPort))
        end if
    end for
end loop

Client Source:


import GUI

var w1 : int := Window.Open ("graphics:400;350, nobuttonbar")
var outgoingConnection : int
var serverAddress : string
var chatTextSendBox : int
var chatTextBox : int
var EXIT : boolean := false

proc waitForChar (var newClientPort : int)
        if Net.LineAvailable (outgoingConnection) then
            get : outgoingConnection, newClientPort
        end if
    end loop
end waitForChar

proc clientConnect (var newClientPort : int)
    var clientAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    var serverPort : int := 65
    outgoingConnection := Net.OpenConnection (serverAddress, serverPort)
    put : outgoingConnection, clientAddress
    waitForChar (newClientPort)
    Net.CloseConnection (outgoingConnection)
end clientConnect

proc clientChatConnect (newClientPort : int, nickName : string)
    var clientAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    outgoingConnection := Net.OpenConnection (serverAddress, newClientPort)
    put : outgoingConnection, clientAddress
    put : outgoingConnection, nickName
end clientChatConnect

proc sendToServer (text : string)
    if text = "exit" then
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        EXIT := true
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        GUI.SetText (chatTextSendBox, "")
    end if
end sendToServer

proc sendToServer2
    var text : string := GUI.GetText (chatTextSendBox)
    if text = "exit" then
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        EXIT := true
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        GUI.SetText (chatTextSendBox, "")
    end if
end sendToServer2

var newClientPort : int := 0
var nickName : string := "Default"

put "Enter the server address: "
get serverAddress

put "Enter your nickname: "
get nickName

process receiveText
    var text : string
        exit when EXIT = true
        if Net.CharAvailable (outgoingConnection) then
            get : outgoingConnection, text : *
            GUI.AddLine (chatTextBox, text)
        end if
    end loop
end receiveText

clientConnect (newClientPort)
clientChatConnect (newClientPort, nickName)

var font1 : int := Font.New ("Arial:10")


chatTextSendBox := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (5, 5, 320, "", sendToServer, 0, font1, 0)
var chatTextSendButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (335, 1, 20, "Send", sendToServer2)
chatTextBox := GUI.CreateTextBox (5, 30, 320, 310)

fork receiveText

    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent or EXIT = true
end loop

put : outgoingConnection, "exit"

Net.CloseConnection (outgoingConnection)
delay (250)

Window.Close (w1)

Tested and works. This is for example, and mess with minUsers maxUsers values to increase decrease the loads in the server file. Client file is just a tool Laughing

Author:  jrblast [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Set up the server so we can chat through you Razz

cool...Isn't there somehitn like this in the help menu for NET.OpenConnection (or w.e. the command is)?

Author:  cool dude [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

nice although chat programs on turing is not someone would likely use. by the ways my firewall keeps blocking it (lol).

Author:  GhostCobra [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, there is a chat program included with turing, but it only supports P2P chat. (Person to Person).

This supports up to and including 45000 users. It uses almost all available ports on the server side.

One thing I was thinking of, daisy chaining servers. Theoretically a central server with multiple NICs, running a few different instances of the program listening on different NICs each, would be able to multiply your ports by the number of IP addresses available. That is unless Turing actually doesn't give a rats ass what IP your using when accepting connections.

If you want to test the program, I'm running it at (stay off my music lol).

Author:  GhostCobra [ Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Suppose I should program in some sort of notification system, didn't notice someone connected Rolling Eyes

Author:  masterfenix [ Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:01 am ]
Post subject: 

that was me!!!

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:08 am ]
Post subject: 

For some reason I can't connect anymore, "Net Error. Windows Socket Library Error #10061". If masterfenix is still connected then it may be that it only does accept one connection.

Overall, it's a well made and fully functional program. As I mentioned using it, the next step could be to implement some current messaging protocol into your program, like IRC. Aside from that, maybe a slight aesthetic improvement would be nice Smile.

*edit* Clearly messing around with the process priority is a bad idea. It works now Smile

Author:  jrblast [ Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

i got that same error without changing anything Sad maybe i need to forward some ports? well im at my uncles for the next few days, ill mess around with it when i get home Razz

Author:  GhostCobra [ Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I turned it off, it has memory leak problems (as all of Turing does when involving processes).

Author:  jrblast [ Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:33 am ]
Post subject: 

oh...ill try running the server Razz i dont long as i can still play my 300Mhz game (runescape...laugh/taunt and die!!) Razz ip:

just gotta forward the ports, might be a min from posting time Razz

EDIT: Running and forwarded...But when i try to connect to doesnt work...get some error then the client crashes....well, connect to me Razz night...

EDIT2: Nope, can't still play runescape Sad shutting it down.

Author:  GhostCobra [ Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its "experimental". Meaning, something that can be done, but it's so unreasonably hoggish.

Author:  Clayton [ Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

i like it, i showed it to my compsci class and we had a huge chat class, bit sluggish though but awesome still good job Wink Laughing

Author:  GhostCobra [ Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:23 am ]
Post subject: 


The code has been updated. If it crashes a connection it shall not be dropped Very Happy. Unless the address is wrong... lol


import GUI

var w1 : int := Window.Open ("graphics:400;370, nobuttonbar")
var outgoingConnection : int
var serverAddress : string
var chatTextSendBox : int
var chatTextBox : int
var EXIT : boolean := false
var nickName : string := "Default"

proc waitForChar (var newClientPort : int)
        if Net.LineAvailable (outgoingConnection) then
            get : outgoingConnection, newClientPort
        end if
    end loop
end waitForChar

proc clientConnect (var newClientPort : int)
    var clientAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    var serverPort : int := 65
    var connect : boolean := false
        put "Created by Blake Mesdag"
        put "Enter the server address: "
        get serverAddress

        put "Enter your nickname: "
        get nickName

        if nickName = "" or nickName = " " then
            nickName := "uknown" + intstr (Rand.Int (1, 9)) + intstr (Rand.Int (1, 9)) + intstr (Rand.Int (1, 9)) + intstr (Rand.Int (1, 9))
        end if

        for decreasing i : 5 .. 1
            outgoingConnection := Net.OpenConnection (serverAddress, serverPort)
            if outgoingConnection > 0 then
                put : outgoingConnection, clientAddress
                waitForChar (newClientPort)
                Net.CloseConnection (outgoingConnection)
                connect := true
                put "Retrying Connection...", i
                connect := false
            end if
        end for
        if connect = false then
            put "Connection was not completed."
            put "Connection was completed."
        end if

        exit when connect = true
    end loop
end clientConnect

proc clientChatConnect (newClientPort : int)
    var clientAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    outgoingConnection := Net.OpenConnection (serverAddress, newClientPort)
    put : outgoingConnection, clientAddress
    put : outgoingConnection, nickName
end clientChatConnect

proc sendToServer (text : string)
    if text = "exit" then
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        EXIT := true
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        GUI.SetText (chatTextSendBox, "")
    end if
end sendToServer

proc sendToServer2
    var text : string := GUI.GetText (chatTextSendBox)
    if text = "exit" then
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        EXIT := true
        put : outgoingConnection, text
        GUI.SetText (chatTextSendBox, "")
    end if
end sendToServer2

var newClientPort : int := 0

process receiveText
    var text : string
        exit when EXIT = true
        if Net.CharAvailable (outgoingConnection) then
            get : outgoingConnection, text : *
            GUI.AddLine (chatTextBox, text)
        end if
    end loop
end receiveText

clientConnect (newClientPort)
clientChatConnect (newClientPort)

var font1 : int := Font.New ("Arial:10")


chatTextSendBox := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (5, 5, 320, "", sendToServer, 0, font1, 0)
var chatTextSendButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (335, 1, 20, "Send", sendToServer2)
chatTextBox := GUI.CreateTextBox (5, 30, 320, 310)

fork receiveText

    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent or EXIT = true
end loop

put : outgoingConnection, "exit"

Net.CloseConnection (outgoingConnection)
delay (250)

Window.Close (w1)


put "Created by Blake Mesdag"
put "Chat Server Started on ", Net.LocalAddress
put ""

const minPort := 20000
const maxPort := 65000

proc waitForChar (incomingConnection : int)
        if Net.LineAvailable (incomingConnection) then
        end if
    end loop
end waitForChar

proc acceptIncoming (clientPort : int)
    var port : int := 65
    var serverAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    var clientAddress : string := ""
    var incomingConnection : int
    var connect : boolean := false

        incomingConnection := Net.WaitForConnection (port, serverAddress)

        if incomingConnection > 0 then
            waitForChar (incomingConnection)
            get : incomingConnection, clientAddress : *
            put "Client: ", clientAddress, " Connecting on port: ", clientPort
            put : incomingConnection, clientPort
            Net.CloseConnection (incomingConnection)
            connect := true
            put "Last client failed to connect."
            connect := false
        end if
        exit when connect = true
    end loop
end acceptIncoming

proc serverChatConnect (clientPort : int, var clientAddr : string, var clientNick : string, var incomingConnection : int)
    var serverAddress : string := Net.LocalAddress
    incomingConnection := Net.WaitForConnection (clientPort, serverAddress)
    waitForChar (incomingConnection)
    get : incomingConnection, clientAddr
    waitForChar (incomingConnection)
    get : incomingConnection, clientNick
end serverChatConnect

var clientAddr : array minPort .. maxPort of string
var clientNick : array minPort .. maxPort of string

var text : string := ""
var incomingConnection : array minPort .. maxPort of int
for i : minPort .. maxPort
    incomingConnection (i) := 0
end for

proc relayText (clientPort : int)
    for i : minPort .. maxPort
        if incomingConnection (i) not= 1 and incomingConnection (i) <= 0 then
            put : incomingConnection (i), clientNick (clientPort) + " says: " + text
        end if
    end for
end relayText

proc relayServerMessage (clientPort : int, text : string)
    for i : minPort .. maxPort
        if incomingConnection (i) not= 1 and incomingConnection (i) <= 0 then
            put : incomingConnection (i), clientNick (clientPort) + " has " + text
        end if
    end for
end relayServerMessage

process acceptText (clientPort : int)

    var exitText : string := " exited."
    var connectedText : string := " connected."

    relayServerMessage (clientPort, connectedText)

        waitForChar (incomingConnection (clientPort))
        get : incomingConnection (clientPort), text : *
        if text not= "exit" then
            put "Client ", clientAddr (clientPort), " with nickname ", clientNick (clientPort), " on port ", clientPort, " sent: ", text
            relayText (clientPort)
        elsif text = "exit" then
            put "Client ", clientAddr (clientPort), " with nickname ", clientNick (clientPort), " on port ", clientPort, " has exited."
            relayServerMessage (clientPort, exitText)
            Net.CloseConnection (incomingConnection (clientPort))
            incomingConnection (clientPort) := 0
        end if
        exit when text = "exit"
    end loop

    clientAddr (clientPort) := ""
end acceptText

var clientPort : array minPort .. maxPort of int

for i : minPort .. maxPort
    clientPort (i) := i
    clientAddr (i) := ""
end for

    for indexPort : minPort .. maxPort
        if clientAddr (indexPort) = "" then
            acceptIncoming (clientPort (indexPort))
            serverChatConnect (clientPort (indexPort), clientAddr (indexPort), clientNick (indexPort), incomingConnection (indexPort))
            fork acceptText (clientPort (indexPort))
        end if
    end for
end loop

By the way, this program has actually been put into use. My district now uses it for a teleconferencing class.
