Computer Science Canada

Lunar/DB adopts h.264

Author:  Amailer [ Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Lunar/DB adopts h.264

They released Bleach 62 in the new format, only 75MB which is pretty amazing...
I tired out DBs, the quality isn't the best but it isn't that bad either- almost as good as the AVIs except the sound for me was a bit messed I kept getting High pitched sounds from nowhere.

Has anyone tired it? Is anyone experiencing the same problems as I have?
For 75MB its not that bad...

Author:  we64 [ Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just stick with lunar even though they update so slow like snails...
The DB version is decent for their speed and translation.
