Computer Science Canada


Author:  EvanBleumer [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  [FP] RADIOACTIVEMAN!

this is my submission. It's called radioactiveman. a couple of friends and I developped it in gr 11 computer programming class (check the credits). be sure to unlock the showerhead shotgun by beating a level with only the shotgun or pistol. there's also another secret or two, but your gonna have to search those, theyre too sweet to just GIVE away. originally there was also music in the game, but no matter what we tried it would slow the game down way too much. the music files are still included and you can enable the music with a variable if you want.

ok, goto that page, and at the bottom is a link to the file.

Author:  EvanBleumer [ Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:36 am ]
Post subject: 

ok i figured how to link to that file now, tho its a bit messy, can you tell i don't know any html?

Author:  jamonathin [ Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Good work Smile. I didn't really see how the main character was rasioactive man, except for maybe how the enemies vaporize when shot Razz, maybe for an update, have them explode or something, or burn, depending on gun.
Also, maybe change level 1 from 1000 kills to maybe, 300? Thats one long ass level one man, lol.
Maybe what you should also do for an update, is incorporate cosd and sind. What it does is use degrees, and that way when your guy turns, he turns 'x' amount of degrees. Here's a small example for you. What you can do, is rewrite this program, and try to incorporate your shooting into it.
setscreen ("graphics:400;400,nobuttonbar,position:center;center,offscreenonly")
colorback (2)

var x, y : int := 100
var xSpeed, ySpeed, angle : real := 4
angle := 90
var key : array char of boolean

procedure refresh
    drawfilloval (x, y, 10, 10, 1)
    drawoval (x, y, 10, 10, 7) % outline
    Draw.ThickLine (x, y, round (x + (10 * sind (angle))), round (y + (10 * cosd (angle))), 2, yellow)
end refresh

procedure movement
    % Changing angles
    if key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
        angle -= 15;
    elsif key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
        angle += 15;
    end if
    % Moving character
    if key (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
        x += round (sind (angle) * xSpeed)
        y += round (cosd (angle) * ySpeed)
        if y - 10 > maxy then % 10 is the radius
            y := 10 %past top of screen, then make it bottom
        elsif y + 10 < 0 then
            y := maxy - 10 %below bottom of screen, make it top
        end if
        if x - 10 > maxx then % 10 is the radius
            x := 10 %past top of screen, then make it bottom
        elsif x + 10 < 0 then
            x := maxx - 10 %below bottom of screen, make it top
        end if
    elsif key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
        x -= round (sind (angle) * xSpeed)
        y -= round (cosd (angle) * ySpeed)
        if y - 10 > maxy then % 10 is the radius
            y := -10 %past top of screen, then make it bottom
        elsif y + 10 < 0 then
            y := maxy + 10 %below bottom of screen, make it top
        end if
        if x - 10 > maxx then  % 10 is the radius
            x := -10 %past top of screen, then make it bottom
        elsif x + 10 < 0 then
            x := maxx + 10 %below bottom of screen, make it top
        end if
    end if
end movement

    Input.KeyDown (key)
    delay (50)
end loop

Overall, its not that bad for a grade 11 [FP], I especially like the shotgun. Maybe if you could get the bullets to swiggle a little more, rather than calling it shotgun, you can call it teeth (for any of you D2 necro fans). Good work.

Author:  EvanBleumer [ Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
I know what you mean about rotation, I had experimented with that and it mostly ticked me off. what I should've done is made his gun on the same line as the laser sight. I had also tried having real graphics for the characters, but they looked worse than it does now, lol. I thought of it as more of a mathematical accomplishment than a graphical one. The game uses an awful lot of vectors and other algebra shit. I'm actually really proud of the way I handled the arrays for the bullets and enemies, check it out! As for the whole radioactive man theme, that wasn't my idea really. originally this was going to be a 2d sidecroller type deal also. The levels are also based on time limits, not kills. I likely won't update tho, I've forgotten most of turing already.

Author:  blaster009 [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very excellent game! Lots of fun. Ran smoothly on my school computer too. Smile

Author:  upthescale [ Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice game, look the flamethrower

but i bet y'all didnt no the secret, its an amzinggun u hit sometihng on the keyboard, and then the number 8

Author:  the_short1 [ Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

very nice, i acually had fun playing this one.. challenging.. i only got to about 900 kills before dying.. whats up with the acuracy being zero tho?.. reminds me of my pacman tracking where the ghost went thru the walls .. lol
