Computer Science Canada

Problem with sequential files and output

Author:  caldrium [ Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Problem with sequential files and output

open : data, "hideandseek.seq", get
assert (data > 0)

originalword := "wonderland"
for yy : 1 .. 2
for xx : 1 .. length(originalword)
%exit when eof (data)
get : data, word (xx)
if word(yy)(xx) = originalword (xx) then
put word (yy) (xx) ..
put "-" ..
end if
%end loop
end for
put ""
end for

this is what i got so far (its a big mess), what im trying to do would be like

ORIGINAL WORD :wonderland (dont need to output this as of now)

wonder wonder----

because wonder is in that way of wonderland, when i get output all i get is wonder "no ----" and this is crutial because i have to output other forms of words in weird orders (example : w---e---n-) can i get some help please?

my sequential file is :

Author:  Tony [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I think index() is a good function to use here. It will tell you if one string is a substring in another, and if so - the position where it first occurs.

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Careful though, index only gives the location of first character. For example : if you go something like this ->

put index("wonderland", "wonder")

Ouput will only be 1.

To separate wonderland it would be something like this ->

put str(index("wonderland", "wonder")..index("wonderland", "wonder) + length("wonder")-1)

Note: I didnt test the code but its pretty straightforward.

Str -> main string = "wonderland"
So, what the program does it retrives the substring "wonder" from it

so its really
put str(1..1+6-1) = "wonder"
