Computer Science Canada

Working on a final project...

Author:  P@uL [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Working on a final project...

i was planning on making a keyboar type thing for my final project in gr.12 engineering class. Im not crazy good with turing but i can do a fair amount. I want to be able to split up the 4 parallel inputs so that i can use it and make an entire keyboard... im not sure how many keys there are but its alot more than 4, oh ya i might have forgot to say that it is a musical keyboard like a piano.

Author:  Tony [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

well if you manage to wire it for binary input over all 4 ports


you get a grand total of 2^4 = 16 unique combinations! yey. Very Happy

you could additionally turn some of those keys into tigger modifiers and move up/down the scale.
