Computer Science Canada

how to clear variables when using again

Author:  dani190 [ Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  how to clear variables when using again

hey guys im making a program which has to be copied once but i need to use the same variables, is there a way to clear there values and use again or do i half to change all of the variables all together and re declare in new part ?

Author:  Cervantes [ Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Check out the Turing Oddities contest in the [Contest] section if you want to set a variable back to having no value.

You should probably ignore the above comment, as it is pretty difficult. You should probably just set it back to 0, or a null string, etc.

Author:  Geminias [ Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

dani, you can reuse variables without setting them back to null.

For instance, if i have a variable called variable and i use it in one context that manipulates it to the value 5, i can then ignore this value if i want to set it to another value. By declaring a variables value like this:

variable := value

you make that variable equal to that value. Unless you did something stupid like try to make it a value of the wrong type.
