Computer Science Canada

Binary to Decimal Converter

Author:  WhatDotColourMaster [ Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Binary to Decimal Converter

Converts Decimal to Binary.....

%************************************************************************************ ||
%* Author: WhatDotColour
%* Date: Sept, 24 2003
%* Purpose: To make a program that converts a binary number to decimal. *
%* Input: A binary number (int) *
%* Output: The program will output a integer (number in decimal format) *

var intBinary : int
var intDigit : int
var intPower : int := 0
var intSum : int := 0

put "Please enter a Binary Digit."
get intBinary

intDigit := intBinary mod 10
if intDigit = 1 then
intSum := intSum + (2 ** intPower)
end if
intPower := intPower + 1
intBinary := intBinary div 10
exit when intBinary = 0
end loop

put intSum

Just something I had lying around in my Turing Folder....
Any comments or improvements appreciated...

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Improvements? Well...
intstr(decimalNumber, allocatedWidth, base)

Lets say... convert 12 to binary...
put intstr(12, 8, 2)

Much easier, right?

And, please, indent!

Author:  WhatDotColourMaster [ Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Gandalf...i will indent from now on... and that is a better improvement. My aknowledgements to you and tony on my 255 colour code program.

Author:  ZeroPaladn [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:08 am ]
Post subject: 

look at mine, theres lost of source code here to hlep you improve yours, including submissions by myself, [Gandalf], and others whom i cannot remember (the only reason why i remembered [Gandalf] is because he helped out the entire way for my program). hope this helps.

Wow, for once a legit program from you, or is this one taken as well? Shifty


for adding number onto a variable, instead of doing this...
number := number + 1

do this...
number += 1

this can be used for subtraction as well, but im not sure if you can do this with multiplication or division.

i should post my url to my binary / decimal converter.
