Computer Science Canada

link prog

Author:  Viper [ Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  link prog

heres a little program i made during our final project its basically a favroites list but seeing as how our school comps are in deep freeze i made this

Author:  jamonathin [ Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats a good little prog you made. What you should do is put a proxy filter section where you can connect to the site through proxify or something, otherwise they dont work at school. (i didn't test em all but some)

Author:  Tony [ Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Viper - I'm pretty sure that one can run FireFox from a flash USB drive. Unless your school managed to disable that somehow..
