import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI" % imports the graphic - user - interface for buttons to work
% -------------------------------------------------- Variable Table -------------------------------------------------------
var WinID, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6, font1, year, rows, flag : int
var key : string (1)
var mortgage, customername, phonenum, address, postalcode, answer, interestpercent, multiplier, owingstatement : string
var mortgage2, rateinterest, amountinterest, yearlypay, owing, openingbalance, totalowing, closingbalance, payment : real
% ----------------------------------------------------- End Table ---------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------- Picture Values -------------------------------------------------------
pic1 := Pic.FileNew ("g:/bankintro.jpg")
pic2 := Pic.FileNew ("g:/banklayout1.jpg")
pic3 := Pic.FileNew ("g:/banklayout2.jpg") % Assigns values to the picture variables, so a picture can be drawn later
pic4 := Pic.FileNew ("g:/banklayout3.jpg")
pic5 := Pic.FileNew ("g:/banklayout4.jpg")
pic6 := Pic.FileNew ("g:/banklayout5.jpg")
% --------------------------------------------------- End Pictures --------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------- Font Values ---------------------------------------------------------
font1 := Font.New ("Franklin Gothic Medium:14")
% ---------------------------------------------------- End Fonts ----------------------------------------------------------
flag := 0
% ---------------------------------------------- Window Close Procedure ---------------------------------------------------
procedure finish
Window.Close (WinID) % Closes the window opened at the beginning of the program, done by the button
end finish
% ------------------------------------------------- End Window Close ------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------- Chartline Procedure -----------------------------------------------------
procedure chartlines
drawline (10, 420, 790, 420, black)
drawline (10, 420, 10, 30, black)
drawline (790, 420, 790, 30, black)
drawline (10, 30, 790, 30, black)
drawline (120, 420, 120, 30, black)
drawline (280, 420, 280, 30, black)
drawline (430, 420, 430, 30, black)
drawline (550, 420, 550, 30, black) % Draws all the lines for the chart to be displayed later
drawline (670, 420, 670, 30, black)
drawline (10, 385, 790, 385, black)
drawline (10, 350, 790, 350, black)
drawline (10, 315, 790, 315, black)
drawline (10, 280, 790, 280, black)
drawline (10, 245, 790, 245, black)
drawline (10, 210, 790, 210, black)
drawline (10, 175, 790, 175, black)
drawline (10, 140, 790, 140, black)
drawline (10, 105, 790, 105, black)
drawline (10, 70, 790, 70, black)
end chartlines
% -------------------------------------------------- End Chatlines ---------------------------------------------------------
procedure complete
rateinterest := 0
WinID := Window.Open ("position:middle;middle, graphics:800;600, title: Big Ticket Bank")
View.Set ("nocursor")
Pic.Draw (pic1, 0, 0, picCopy)
getch (key)
View.Set ("cursor")
Pic.Draw (pic2, 0, 0, picCopy)
locate (23, 32)
get customername : *
locate (27, 32)
get phonenum : *
locate (31, 32)
get address : *
locate (36, 32)
get postalcode : *
Pic.Draw (pic3, 0, 0, picCopy)
Font.Draw (customername, 230, 155, font1, white)
Font.Draw (phonenum, 230, 110, font1, white)
Font.Draw (address, 230, 70, font1, white)
Font.Draw (postalcode, 230, 25, font1, white)
locate (26, 50)
get answer
exit when answer = "y" or answer = "yes" or answer = "Y" or answer = "Yes" or answer = "YES"
end loop
Pic.Draw (pic4, 0, 0, picCopy)
locate (25, 73)
get mortgage
for a : 1 .. length (mortgage)
if index ("0123456789", mortgage (a)) = 0 then
put "Sorry that is an invalid input."
flag := 1
end if
end for
if flag = 0 then
mortgage2 := strreal (mortgage)
end if
end loop
if flag = 0 then[/b]
if mortgage2 >= 0 and mortgage2 <= 100000 then
rateinterest := 3.5
if mortgage2 >= 100001 and mortgage2 <= 200000 then
rateinterest := 5.5
if mortgage2 >= 200001 and mortgage2 <= 300000 then
rateinterest := 6.5
if mortgage2 >= 300001 then
rateinterest := 7.5
put "That is an impossible mortgage."
end if
end if
end if
end if
interestpercent := realstr (rateinterest, 5)
interestpercent += "%"
Font.Draw (interestpercent, 575, 110, font1, black)
View.Set ("nocursor")
locate (35, 75)
getch (key)
amountinterest := (rateinterest / 100) * mortgage2
Pic.Draw (pic5, 0, 0, picCopy)
multiplier := "$"
multiplier += realstr (amountinterest, 5)
Font.Draw (multiplier, 370, 210, font1, black)
owingstatement := "THIS MEANS YOU MUST PAY A MINIMUM OF :$"
owing := amountinterest + 1000
owingstatement += realstr (owing, 2)
Font.Draw (owingstatement, 190, 130, font1, white)
View.Set ("cursor")
locate (32, 50)
get yearlypay
const amountyears := mortgage2 / yearlypay
if amountyears > 30 then
Font.Draw ("That payment plan is not possible, it takes more than 30 years.", 100, 100, font1, black)
Font.Draw ("Please enter a payment plan greater, which will not take 30 years.", 80, 100, font1, black)
elsif yearlypay < owing then
Font.Draw ("That payment plan is not possible, it does not meet the minimum payment.", 80, 60, font1, black)
Font.Draw ("Please re-enter an appropriate yearly payment.", 200, 40, font1, black)
Font.Draw ("It appears your mortgage will work. Your breakdown will appear on the following screen.", 50, 60, font1, black)
end if
View.Set ("nocursor")
getch (key)
exit when amountyears <= 30 and yearlypay >= owing
end loop
Pic.Draw (pic6, 0, 0, picCopy)
year := 0
rows := 8
openingbalance := mortgage2
year := year + 1
totalowing := openingbalance + amountinterest
amountinterest := openingbalance * rateinterest
closingbalance := totalowing - yearlypay
if yearlypay > totalowing then
yearlypay := totalowing
closingbalance := totalowing - yearlypay
end if
if closingbalance <= 0 then
closingbalance := 0
end if
put year : 3, openingbalance : 10 : 2, amountinterest : 10 : 2, totalowing : 10 : 2, yearlypay : 10 : 2, closingbalance : 10 : 2
exit when closingbalance <= 0
rows := rows + 1
if rows = 10 then
getch (key)
end if
openingbalance := closingbalance
end loop
var repeatbutton : int := GUI.CreateButton (17, 252, 120, "Repeat Program", complete)
var quitButton := GUI.CreateButton (17, 30, 120, "Quit", finish)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end if
end complete