Input.getchPart of Input module

Syntax   getch ( var ch : string ( 1 ) )

Description   The getch procedure is used to input a single character without waiting for the end of a line. The parameter ch is set to the next character in the keyboard buffer (the oldest not-yet-read character).

Example   This program contains a procedure called getKey which causes the program to wait until a key is pressed.

        View.Set ("graphics")
        procedure getKey
            var ch : string (1)
            getch (ch)
        end getKey
        for i : 1 .. 1000
            put i : 4, " Pause till a key is pressed"
        end for
Details   The screen should be in a "screen" or "graphics" mode. See the View.Set procedure for details. If the screen is not in one of these modes, it will automatically be set to "screen" mode.

Some keys, such as the left arrow key, insert key, delete key, and function keys do not produce ordinary character values. These keystrokes are returned by getch as special values. See Appendix D for these values.

Status   Exported unqualified.

This means that you can call the function by calling getch or by calling Input.getch.

See also   hasch (has character) procedure which is used to see if a character has been typed but not yet read.