Font.StartSizePart of Font module

Syntax   Font.StartSize (fontName, fontStyle : string)

Description   Font.StartSize is used to start a listing of all the sizes for a particular font name and style.

The fontName parameter should be an actual font name (as opposed to the default names of “serif”, etc). You can get a list of the font names by using the Font.StartName and Font.GetName subprograms. The fontStyle parameter should be in the same format as would appear in the Font.New procedure.

Example   The program lists all the fonts, styles and sizes available on the system.

        var fontName : string
        var bold, italic, underline : boolean
        var size : int
        var styles : array boolean, boolean, boolean of string := 
            init ("", "underline", "italic", "italic, underline", "bold",           
                         "bold,underline", "bold,italic", "bold,italic,underline")
            fontName := Font.GetName
            exit when fontName = ""
            Font.GetStyle (fontName, bold, italic, underline)
            for b : false .. bold
                for i : false .. italic
                    for u : false .. underline
                        put fontName : 30, styles (b, i, u) : 22 ..
                        Font.StartSize (fontName, styles (b, i, u) )
                            size := Font.GetSize
                            exit when size = 0
                            if size = -1 then put "scalable  " ..
                            else put size, " " ..
                            end if
                        end loop 
                        put ""
                    end for
                end for
            end for
        end loop

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Font.StartSize, not by calling StartSize.