drawpicgraphics procedure

Syntax   drawpic (x, y : int, buffer : array 1 .. * of int, picmode : int)

Description   The drawpic procedure is used to copy of a rectangular picture onto the screen. The left bottom of the picture is placed at (x, y). In the common case, the buffer was initialized by calling takepic. The values of picmode are:

  0: Copy actual picture on screen.
  1: Copy picture by XORing it onto the screen.

XORing a picture onto the screen twice leaves the screen as it was (this is a convenient way to move images for animation). XORing a picture onto a background effectively superimposes the picture onto the background.

Details   See takepic for an example of the use of drawpic and for further information about buffers for drawing pictures.

The screen must be in a "graphics" mode. See the setscreen procedure for details. If the screen is not in a "graphics" mode, an error will occur.

Details   The drawpic, takepic, and sizepic subprograms have been made obsolete by the subprograms Pic.Draw and Pic.New of the Pic module. Users are strongly suggested to use those routines instead. The Pic module also contains subprograms to load images from files.

See also   takepic and sizepic. See also setscreen, maxx, maxy and the various draw… procedures.

See also predefined unit Draw and Pic.