Net.OpenConnectionPart of Net module

Syntax   Net.OpenConnection (netAddr : string,
port : int) : int

Description   Attempts to open a connection to port specified by the port parameter on the machine specified by netAddr parameter. There must be a program listening to that port for the connection to be made. In OOT, this is done using the Net.WaitForConnection function.

If successful, Net.OpenConnection returns a network stream descriptor which can be used with the put, get, read, and write statements and eof function to send and receive data to the listening program. It is also the parameter used for the Net.CloseConnection, Net.BytesAvailable, Net.CharAvailable, Net.LineAvailable, and Net.TokenAvailable functions.

The netAddr parameter is a string specifying the net address of the machine to be connected to. This can either be the full hostname or the numerical address.

In general, system program listen in on ports with numbers below 1024. Port numbers above 1024 are generally available for use by user created programs.

The program will wait for an indeterminate amount of time to make the connection. If it fails, it will return a non-positive value.

Details   The Net module requires a TCP/IP stack to be installed and operating in order to function. It does not communicate using any other protocols

It is possible for Firewalls to interfere with the actions of the Net module, preventing connections from taking place.

Example   The following program implements a "Chat" program. One user runs the program on their machine as a server, which waits for another machine to connect to it. The second user specifies the machine to connect to and then connects. The two can then type at each other.

        % The "Chat" program
        const chatPort : int := 5055
        var choice : int
            put "Enter 1 to run chat server"
            put "Enter 2 to run chat session"
            put "Choice: " ..
            get choice
            exit when choice = 1 or choice = 2
        end loop
        var netStream : int
        var netAddress : string
        if choice = 1 then
            netStream := Net.WaitForConnection (chatPort, netAddress)
            put "Enter the address to connect to: " ..
            get netAddress
            netStream := Net.OpenConnection (netAddress, chatPort)
            if netStream <= 0 then
                put "Unable to connect to ", netAddress
            end if
        end if
        put "Connected to ", netAddress
        var localRow : int := 2
        var localCol : int := 1
        var remoteRow := maxrow div 2
        var remoteCol : int := 1
        var ch : char
        View.Set ("noecho")
            if hasch then
                ch := getchar
                put : netStream, ch
                if ch = '\n' then
                    localRow := localRow mod (maxrow div 2) + 1
                    localCol := 1
                    Text.Locate (localRow, localCol)
                    put "" % Clear to end of line
                    Text.Locate (localRow, localCol)
                    Text.Locate (localRow, localCol)
                    put ch ..
                    localCol += 1
                end if
            end if
            if Net.CharAvailable (netStream) then
                get : netStream, ch
                if ch = '\n' then
                    remoteRow := remoteRow mod (maxrow div 2) +
                        1 + (maxrow div 2)
                    remoteCol := 1
                    Text.Locate (remoteRow, remoteCol)            put ""  % Clear to end of line
                    Text.Locate (remoteRow, remoteCol)
                    Text.Locate (remoteRow, remoteCol)
                    put ch ..
                    remoteCol += 1
                end if
            end if
        end loop
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Net.OpenConnection, not by calling OpenConnection.

See also   Net.WaitForConnection and Net.CloseConnection.