
Description   The Net module allows TCP/IP equipped machines to communicate. In the current implementation (WinOOT 3.0), this is available only under Win32 (Windows 95, 98, NT and later).

To allow two machines to communicate, there must be a server (which calls Net,WaitForConnection) and a client (which calls Net.OpenConnection). The server waits until a client connects and then starts communication between the two. When a connection is established, a net stream is returned that can be used in the same fashion as a file stream (i.e. using puts and gets). Once the connection is finished, the programs call Net.CloseConnection.

For ease of reading web pages, the Net.OpenURLConnection opens up a URL for reading with the get statement. It is up to the user program to interpret the HTML or file located at the URL.

All subprograms in the Net unit are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Net.").

Entry Points  
WaitForConnection Waits until a client connects to a specified port.
OpenConnection Opens a connection to a specified machine.
OpenURLConnection Opens a connection to a file specified by a URL.
CloseConnection Closes a specified connection.
BytesAvailable Returns the number of bytes available to be read from a net stream.
CharAvailable Returns true if there is a character available to be read from a net stream.
LineAvailable Returns true if there is a line of text available to be read from a net stream.
TokenAvailable Returns true if there is a token available to be read from a net stream.
HostAddressFromName Returns a host's address given its host name.
HostNameFromAddress Returns a host's name given its address.
LocalAddress Returns the host name of the local machine.
LocalName Returns the TCP/IP address of the local machine.