
Syntax   Draw.FillArc (x, y, xRadius, yRadius : int,
  initialAngle, finalAngle, Color : int)

Description   The Draw.FillArc procedure is used to draw a filled arc whose center is at (x, y). It then fills in the pie-shaped wedge using the specified Color. To outline a filled arc, use Draw.FillArc with the Color parameter set to the fill color and then Draw.Arc with the Color parameter set to the border color. For initialAngle and finalAngle, which determine the edges of the wedge, zero degrees is "three o'clock" and 90 degrees is "twelve o'clock", etc. The horizontal and vertical distances from the center to the arc are given by xRadius and yRadius.

Example   This program draws a filled semicircle (actually, an approximation to a semicircle) whose center is (midx,0) the bottom center of the screen, in bright red. The maxx and maxy functions are used to determine the maximum x and y values on the screen.

        View.Set ("graphics")
        const midx := maxx div 2
        Draw.FillArc (midx, 0, maxy, maxy, 0, 180, brightred)

Details   The screen must be in a "graphics" mode. See the View.Set procedure for details. If the screen is not in a "graphics" mode, an error will occur.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Draw.FillArc, not by calling FillArc.

See also   View.Set, maxx, maxy and the various procedures in the Draw unit.