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This category contains 38 posts

Rubber ducks help best with computer science

“Rubber Ducking” – the phrase originated from The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. The concept is that simply explaining the problem out loud, will often help one to come up with a solution, be it computer programming, design, or anything that requires thought really. In the words of the Pragmatic Programmer:

Place a rubber duck [...]

Rapid animation prototyping with Processing

When I first started out with computer programming, what has grabbed hold of my attention were the drawing functions. Drawing and animating is the instant gratification of computer science learning. One can write the most beautiful code, performing cleaver calculations – but unless there’s more on the screen than a set of numbers, it will [...]

Programming an interactive multitouch ibar with vvvv

There is a nifty design idea for a visual, interactive bar counter surface. iBar – an “intelligent” surface system lights up and connects objects together in a pretty cool visual effect.

“The intelligent tracking system of iBar detects all objects touching the surface. This input is used to let the projected content interact dynamically with the [...]


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