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This category contains 20 posts

Academic – X06: GameCamp (Toronto)

Microsoft will be hosting an event, centered around their soon to be released XNA Studio Express. And while I’m not particularly excited about building games for Windows, I do find some appeal in console gaming.

“If building games for the Xbox 360 or Windows gets you excited then you have to be at this event. [...]

CompSci.ca Tech

Personally, I am very interested in technology in general, especially in the field of robotics. I am currently persuing a degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Waterloo, and for a long time have been wondering if I could combine this area of interest with the existing CompSci.ca website.
Adding Engineering specific forums to a [...]

Who turned off the lights? Internet without GUI

Last night a faulty patch has taken out my X Server, and as a result my laptop has forgotten how to render graphics. This is more of an annoyance than a serious problem, as most of my work is performed in a text console anyways. All of my files are remotely hosted, I develop in [...]


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