BBC News UK has recently published an article — Skills shortage hits games firms, on which I wanted to reflect. The premise is simple — the video game industry is struggling to find the type of talent they desire.
Original image by louder
The games developers say that they are struggling to find in the UK the [...]
Another comic on the topic of gaming the educational system, a follow up to the previous Calvin and Hobbes and the original topic of studying for exams. This time from Wondermark (image links to a higher resolution original).
I had a student devise an elaborate scheme where he reduced vast swaths of the textbook into a [...]
One of the blog readers, Chris, has recently emailed me asking:
I didn’t do as well as I thought I would when I entered university in comp sci. I study hard but I dont think I’m “studying in the right way”. I’m just wondering if you have any “special methods” to study or ways to study [...]