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This category contains 63 posts

Regular Expression Google Code Search

Today Google Labs have introduced Code Search. It’s a nifty tool for searching publicly available source code – that is, what Google gets to, including .tar and .zip archives. It works with actual source-code files, but not code snippets that are often embedded into posts.
The best part is the support for Regular Expression searches. Our [...]

Teaching with Internet – asking the right questions

“Here are a few problems from upper year class that you don’t understand. A computer terminal with Internet access, and a couple of hours to come up with solutions… Go!”
Today I’ve discovered a relativly old, yet very applicable and fascinating article. The premisis is pretty simple:
“An Indian physicist puts a PC with a high speed [...]

Getting into University of Waterloo

Computer Science at Ontario Universities
Subscribe to series.
Previously covered: Brock, Carleton, Guelph, Lakehead, Ryerson, Toronto

Yet another academic year has started, and with that the topic of Universities has been brought up. Frosh students are sharing their excitement about finally making it to their campus of choice, while those entering the 12th grade are asking what they [...]


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