Just because we might have access to some technology to fix a problem, does not necessarily mean that the problem itself is a technical one. Such as breaking our systems, to limit their use.
“I think this is one of those problems that does not need a technological solution, but a social one.”
Original image by cote
Or maybe you do? How about your favourite programming language? What does it take to say that one “knows” it?
michaelp asks:
When exactly do you “know” a language?
There’s a gradient of choices to pick from.
You know of the language — “I hear they call it Java.”
You’ve memorized the “hello world” program — <?php [...]
Computers are integral to everyday life, though the understanding of the variety of jobs available in the field is sometimes impaired by a few persistent stereotypes. It’s not all raw programming and data crunching. There are interesting technology jobs as far out there as a rover on the surface of Mars. That someone gets to [...]