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Tony has written 199 posts for CompSci.ca/blog

Career in computer science – javascript robots

Microsoft Research has put together a promotional video – Career in Computer Science. It features mediocre skateboarding, but a cute all-purpose personal robot. Though there’s a glitch: the robot runs into glass doors… This is where you come in, and ask your counselor about a career in computer science. 2:00 video below:

Video: Career in Computer [...]

Video game designer education – it’s in electives

In an increasingly saturated video game programming market, how does a developer distinguish himself enough to stand out of the crowd? The Game Career Guide has recently published Michael McCoy’s feature on Academics for Game Designers, reflecting on 12 years in the computer industry as a game designer, and suggesting academic pursuits for a career [...]

Get a free computer science education online

The Creative Commons movement encourages freedom of information, so a number of colleges and universities are starting to publish free online courses, under similar licenses. Organized as an Open Courseware Consortium, universities are working together to advance education and empower people worldwide through digital publication of high quality study materials for free online education.

MIT is [...]


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