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Tony has written 199 posts for CompSci.ca/blog

10 things learned in professional software development

Abhijit of ifacethoughts points to Andrés Taylor’s reflection on ten years of professional software development, which in turn took inspiration from Michael McDonough’s Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School. Quite a trail of thought, but there are some good ideas in there. Enumerated list of headings follows.

Object orientation is much harder [...]

Shutdown Day 2007: Can you survive for 24 hours without your computer?

Another world wide social experiment is sweeping the internets. A global shutdown day aims to test if we can go for a day without a computer, and if so – what will happen? I can only hope that the experiment will not extend pass the recreational use, as even a minor disturbance to the vital [...]

Earning real world programming experience with the Google Summer of Code

Google Summer of Code 2007 is on, and are now accepting student applications for the program. What exactly is GSoC? Chris DiBona explains:

Last year we paid 630 students from 450 schools in 90 countries $4,500 each to work on open source software projects. These projects, selected by some 100 open source mentoring organizations from over [...]


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