Recently I was asked as to why I was not available on IM or other forms on online social communication mediums, during the work hours. My initial response of “it’s distracting from work” was not met with any understanding. I have thought of quoting a good practice of checking one’s email when one has time [...]
A common confusion among high school seniors interested in computers has to do with too many, often similar, options available for pursuit in higher education. What is the difference between Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and why is neither the same as obtaining a Computer Science degree? I have put together a graph of programs related [...]
I am often asked – “what is the best computer programming language to learn?” And for years the reflex response was Ruby. Ruby is elegant, Ruby is easy to understand, it’s creative, it’s expressive, it’s powerful, flexible, and robust. Ruby is enjoyable to work with, and is applicable both as a first programming language to [...]