Just in time for the back-to-school season, Mozilla has announced Firefox Campus Edition. It’s the same open source browser as the standard edition, but it comes prepackaged with Zotero, FoxyTunes, and StumbleUpon add-ons. The plugin bundle aims for a better school oriented experience right out of the box, without looking through hundreds of available add-ons [...]
Programming is fantastic! Programming is full of art, humour, and creativity. Though sometimes it can be a challenge, and sometimes the monkey is not running (image from n#). Still, Computer Science manifests traditional art forms, and the poetry of programming finds a literal place in the Linux kernel.
Linus Torvalds himself contributed to the discussion with [...]
Not all Computer Science inclined students are pursuing a career in Computer Science. At least not exclusively. An interesting point came out of just such a discussion. As much as computer programming could be argued to be an art, when it competes for the interest against more conventional styles of artistic expression – it leaves [...]