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Tony has written 199 posts for CompSci.ca/blog

Gaming the educational system, again.

Another comic on the topic of gaming the educational system, a follow up to the previous Calvin and Hobbes and the original topic of studying for exams. This time from Wondermark (image links to a higher resolution original).

I had a student devise an elaborate scheme where he reduced vast swaths of the textbook into a [...]

You don’t know that programming language

Original image by cote

Or maybe you do? How about your favourite programming language? What does it take to say that one “knows” it?

michaelp asks:

When exactly do you “know” a language?

There’s a gradient of choices to pick from.

You know of the language — “I hear they call it Java.”
You’ve memorized the “hello world” program — <?php [...]

Web 2.point.Mac: Developing software on Apple computers

There seem to be some misconceptions about Apple computers. Some of the common questions that come up, at least when thinking about for-University laptops, are along the lines of “Will I be able to write programs on a MacBook?” and “I thought Macs were just for arts…”. I will try to challenge that view.

Note: This [...]


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