Computer Science Canada

[FP]VB RPG-Not finished

Author:  Preist_Holmes [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  [FP]VB RPG-Not finished

This is my VB final project. My friend already submitted it, but i thought id put it in here. Its not finished cause along with my friend i forgot to backup my file at my school when they wiped the system. Uh right now u kinda cant die cause that was in the final part and there are no enemy pictures, but i still think its ok. BTW I drew all the pics you see.

notouch - Raises AP
poweroverwhelming - Raises Health
gold4me - 500 gold

Enjoy Smile

Author:  Maverick [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haha i was wondering when u were gonna post this. We shuld see if we can recover your final one, cause that one rocks. GJ MAN!!

Author:  Cervantes [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

we need a poll for starters. We (well, I) also need it as a zip file Confused

Author:  Maverick [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haha ill put one up

Author:  Cervantes [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

nice program Smile I give you a good Smile Would be really good with the lack of invincibility Razz
I found that the level 4 skeletal mage is easier than the level 5 skeleton Thinking

Author:  Cervantes [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

oops the second after I voted I realized:
What GR are you in? Confused

Author:  Martin [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, your interface sucks. It might just be my computer though...can I get a screenshot of someone else playing the game?

Author:  shorthair [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here ya go

Author:  Cervantes [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

that's what mine looks like. What's so bad about it?

Shorthair where'd you get those awesome looking bars across the top of the window thingys? (what are they called again? Confused )

Author:  shorthair [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I themed my entire computer with a theme i made , i made one identically to the mac aswell , therre rocking to have , and i have an lternate boot up screen and a logon screen , the desktop it cool becuse it moves RAM HOGGER but kool

Author:  shorthair [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is the entire desktop , i love the taskbar ( took enourmous amounts of time )

Author:  jonos [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

how did you make the images for it, ive tried making one but only changing the colours and stuff. i know there is aprogram, but they mess up a lot of the existing themes. that is one cool desktop.

Author:  Preist_Holmes [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

THe interface sucks cause this isnt my finished version. The toughness of a guy really depends on the AP. Which is the chance to hit.

Author:  Maverick [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

We were both in gr10 comp engineering. So first year of VB.

Author:  Paul [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hehe, you can have negative health. Very Happy

Author:  Maverick [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Haha ya you cant die in this version. He drew them in paint actually. You shuld see the enemy pics theyre amazing

Author:  Cervantes [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ohh so that's why you gave him 400 bits Maverick.. you actually know him Confused
Shorthair --> Why must you taunt me?! Attach a file that I think is going to be the theme, but in fact its a PICTURE of your theme!! WWWHHHHYY!!!!

anyways.. Rolling Eyes Great job Priest_Holmes. If I could I'd bump my "good" up to "amazing" Confused

Author:  Maverick [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ya hes my friends, i figured id give him those bits but then he gave them away by mistake i think.

Author:  Preist_Holmes [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thancks alot cervantes. Ill try to get my final version up ASAP. Smile

Author:  shorthair [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

sorry t oplug your thread , Crying or Very sad but if anyone wants the theme jst pm me , and il send her on over through messenger of somthing , well back to the topic at hand , Do you plan on rewriting the full version , i might be able to get into this game

Author:  Preist_Holmes [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well i dun have VB at home right now, but i am planning one rewriting it once i do or get time at school. Ill tell you when Smile

Author:  Maverick [ Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ya jon im in too. I think i can get VB off sumong

Author:  Martin [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright, I don't like this program.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's a good idea. Now, the problem is that the interface is garbage.

I think that it would definately be worth redoing the interface.
Numbers are everywhere . . . most of them appear to be meaningless. You should definately fix this.

Author:  Maverick [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

whatr numbers are meaningless cause i can telll u what all of them mean

Author:  Martin [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know that you can, but the point of a program is for anyone who uses the program to know what everything means. For example...439867. I know what that means, you don't.

Author:  MysticVegeta [ Mon May 23, 2005 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think adding a help window might be a good idea to let the user know the instructions. Very Happy Anyways cool game, i like it Wink
Are you in grade 10 engineering? Cause i am in grade 9 right now and i am taking engineering next year. Do they teach you VB? Thinking nice.
