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 getting a ball to bounce inside a rotating cube??
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:37 am   Post subject: getting a ball to bounce inside a rotating cube??

hey... i was given this assignment where i have a box that needs to rotate in all direction when pressing the arrow keys. There needs to be a ball moving inside the box as well...

i've got the box to rotate, and tried to get the ball to bounce around... but i think there's something wrong with my coding... because it is not working..

can u please have a look below, and help?? thank you so much!!


%getting the cube
setscreen ("graphics:1280,1080")

%Variable for Colour
var box, background : int

%Variable for Size
var S : real

%Perspective Related Variables
var theta, phi, psi : real

%Location Related Variables
var x_cm, y_cm : real

%Cube Related Variables
var cube_x, cube_y, cube_z, vort_x, vort_y, vort_z, p_x, p_y : array 1 .. 8 of real


const DELTA_TIME := 1
const TIME_DELAY := 10
const DELTA_THETA := 0.1
const DELTA_PHI := 0.1
const DELTA_PSI := 0.1

background := 0
box := 7
S := 200

const ZV := 1500

var ch : string (1)

x_cm := 640
y_cm := 600

phi := 0
psi := 0
theta := 300

var t : real

const L := 75
const w := 20
t := 0


cube_x (1) := +S
cube_y (1) := +S
cube_z (1) := +S

cube_x (2) := -S
cube_y (2) := -S
cube_z (2) := -S

cube_x (3) := -S
cube_y (3) := +S
cube_z (3) := +S

cube_x (4) := +S
cube_y (4) := -S
cube_z (4) := -S

cube_x (5) := -S
cube_y (5) := -S
cube_z (5) := +S

cube_x (6) := +S
cube_y (6) := +S
cube_z (6) := -S

cube_x (7) := +S
cube_y (7) := -S
cube_z (7) := +S

cube_x (8) := -S
cube_y (8) := +S
cube_z (8) := -S


Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, background)


%Rotative Formula

for i : 1 .. 8
vort_x (i) := (cos (theta) * cos (phi) * cos (psi) - sin (phi) * sin (psi)) * cube_x (i) -
(cos (theta) * cos (phi) * sin (psi) + sin (phi) * cos (psi)) * cube_y (i) +
sin (theta) * cos (phi) * cube_z (i)
vort_y (i) := (cos (theta) * sin (phi) * cos (psi) + cos (phi) * sin (psi)) * cube_x (i) -
(cos (theta) * sin (phi) * sin (psi) - cos (phi) * cos (psi)) * cube_y (i) +
sin (theta) * sin (phi) * cube_z (i)
vort_z (i) := -sin (theta) * cos (psi) * cube_x (i) +
sin (theta) * sin (psi) * cube_y (i) +
cos (theta) * cube_z (i)
end for

for i : 1 .. 8
p_x (i) := vort_x (i) / (1 - vort_z (i) / ZV)
p_y (i) := vort_y (i) / (1 - vort_z (i) / ZV)
end for


%Cube Illustration
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (1)), round (y_cm + p_y (1)), round (x_cm + p_x (3)), round (y_cm + p_y (3)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (1)), round (y_cm + p_y (1)), round (x_cm + p_x (6)), round (y_cm + p_y (6)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (1)), round (y_cm + p_y (1)), round (x_cm + p_x (7)), round (y_cm + p_y (7)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (2)), round (y_cm + p_y (2)), round (x_cm + p_x (4)), round (y_cm + p_y (4)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (2)), round (y_cm + p_y (2)), round (x_cm + p_x (5)), round (y_cm + p_y (5)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (2)), round (y_cm + p_y (2)), round (x_cm + p_x (8)), round (y_cm + p_y (8)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (3)), round (y_cm + p_y (3)), round (x_cm + p_x (5)), round (y_cm + p_y (5)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (3)), round (y_cm + p_y (3)), round (x_cm + p_x (8)), round (y_cm + p_y (8)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (4)), round (y_cm + p_y (4)), round (x_cm + p_x (6)), round (y_cm + p_y (6)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (4)), round (y_cm + p_y (4)), round (x_cm + p_x (7)), round (y_cm + p_y (7)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (5)), round (y_cm + p_y (5)), round (x_cm + p_x (7)), round (y_cm + p_y (7)), box)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (6)), round (y_cm + p_y (6)), round (x_cm + p_x (8)), round (y_cm + p_y (8)), box)

delay (TIME_DELAY)

drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (1)), round (y_cm + p_y (1)), round (x_cm + p_x (3)), round (y_cm + p_y (3)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (1)), round (y_cm + p_y (1)), round (x_cm + p_x (6)), round (y_cm + p_y (6)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (1)), round (y_cm + p_y (1)), round (x_cm + p_x (7)), round (y_cm + p_y (7)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (2)), round (y_cm + p_y (2)), round (x_cm + p_x (4)), round (y_cm + p_y (4)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (2)), round (y_cm + p_y (2)), round (x_cm + p_x (5)), round (y_cm + p_y (5)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (2)), round (y_cm + p_y (2)), round (x_cm + p_x (8)), round (y_cm + p_y (8)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (3)), round (y_cm + p_y (3)), round (x_cm + p_x (5)), round (y_cm + p_y (5)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (3)), round (y_cm + p_y (3)), round (x_cm + p_x (8)), round (y_cm + p_y (8)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (4)), round (y_cm + p_y (4)), round (x_cm + p_x (6)), round (y_cm + p_y (6)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (4)), round (y_cm + p_y (4)), round (x_cm + p_x (7)), round (y_cm + p_y (7)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (5)), round (y_cm + p_y (5)), round (x_cm + p_x (7)), round (y_cm + p_y (7)), white)
drawline (round (x_cm + p_x (6)), round (y_cm + p_y (6)), round (x_cm + p_x (8)), round (y_cm + p_y (8)), white)


% Manipulating the Cube

if hasch then
getch (ch)

%Turn Upwards

if ch = chr (200) then
psi := psi + DELTA_PSI

%Turn Downwards

elsif ch = chr (208) then
psi := psi - DELTA_PSI

%Turn Right

elsif ch = chr (205) then
theta := theta + DELTA_THETA

%Turn Left

elsif ch = chr (203) then
theta := theta - DELTA_THETA

end if

end if

% ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

const DELTATIME := 0.10
const TIMEDELAY := 10
var x, y, z, x0, y0, z0, v0x, v0y, v0z, T : real

const x_right_boundary := 1100
const x_left_boundary := 250
const y_top_boundary := 1000
const y_bottom_boundary := 250

const RADIUS := 0.025

const DEPTH_SCALE := 0.1

x0 := 100
y0 := 100
z0 := 100
v0x := 30
v0y := 10
v0z := 20
T := 0
x := x0 + v0x * T
y := y0 + v0y * T
z := z0 + v0z * T

drawoval (645, 600, 20, 20, black)

delay (TIME_DELAY)

drawfilloval (645, 600, 20, 20, white)
T := T + 1

if x > x_right_boundary then
x0 := 2 * x_right_boundary - x
y0 := y
v0x := -v0x
T := 0
end if

if x < x_left_boundary then
x0 := 2 * x_left_boundary - x
v0x := -v0x
y0 := y
T := 0
end if

if y > y_top_boundary then
y0 := 2 * y_top_boundary - y
v0y := -v0y
x0 := x
T := 0
end if

if y < y_bottom_boundary then
y0 := 2 * y_bottom_boundary - y
v0y := -v0y
x0 := x
T := 0
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:04 pm   Post subject: Re: getting a ball to bounce inside a rotating cube??

Cool program, before we go ahead and address the main issue you're having lets talk about some basic code practices.
In your main loop you have (roughly lines 170) a bunch of variable/constant declaration inside a loop.. does this seem right? We can move those outside the loop.

I usually keep all my parameters at the very top so i can easily adjust them!

Second of all, try to refrain from using getch, it only allows for the detection of one key intut at a time, i like using Input.KeyDown
In the code below


f x > x_right_boundary then
x0 := 2 * x_right_boundary - x
y0 := y
v0x := -v0x
T := 0
end if

if x < x_left_boundary then
x0 := 2 * x_left_boundary - x
v0x := -v0x
y0 := y
T := 0
end if

if y > y_top_boundary then
y0 := 2 * y_top_boundary - y
v0y := -v0y
x0 := x
T := 0
end if

if y < y_bottom_boundary then
y0 := 2 * y_bottom_boundary - y
v0y := -v0y
x0 := x
T := 0
end if

You seem to be forgetting what happens if it hits the z boundry!

Your drawing code can be placed in a seperate procedure so your code can be more readable.

From a quick look. I think you need to read up on planes in R3 (3d space). Your if statements try to assume that even if we rotate the cube each side has a fixed value for x,y,z while in reality, they have a wide range of values. Ie. If the ball hits the bottom of the cube near the front the x could be 5 while if it hits it at the back it could be -10.

This is a tough endeavor, your concept for rotating in 3d is well done. I might suggest trying to bounce the ball of a square rotating in R2 space. Once you understand the concept youll see it's not a matter of if x < a certain value. It's if a point interesects with a plane in R3.

If you can show me an example of a rotating square in 2d and a ball bouncing around i will guide and give you some further tips!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:42 am   Post subject: Re: getting a ball to bounce inside a rotating cube??

You can search it in google
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