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 Can i get into Waterloo
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:08 am   Post subject: Can i get into Waterloo

im in grade 11 currently and have just finished calculus. I live in alberta and go to a good school. my math 12 final mark was 96 and i got a 100 percent on my diploma but my english mark is usually 80 percent flat. in the sciences im decent and can range from the mid 80s to the high 90's im really worried and really want to get into Waterloo.

for volunteering, im really involved in federal politics, am on student council and am going to volunteer in a third world country later in the year with my school.

could someone give me a detailed answer on my chances of getting into the school?
i also have entered many math contests including the cayley which i got the best score in my school

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:59 am   Post subject: RE:Can i get into Waterloo

You wouldn't be "really worried" -- those are good grades. I don't know if there is any inter-province trickery though, there shouldn't be much. Just keep up what you are doing, and make sure to fill out UWaterloo's Additional Information Form (AIF) when applying.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:30 pm   Post subject: RE:Can i get into Waterloo

so my english mark wont really affect my chances of gettin in? what else should i do?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:47 pm   Post subject: RE:Can i get into Waterloo

I know someone who got in from BC with MUCH lower grades than yours. SO you shouldn't worry, but it also depends on what you wanna go into. For eg: Getting into Math/Ca or Nano Tech. is usually harder than getting into other programs. If its just math you are interested in, then you should be fine. Plus you have a kick-ass AIF so no worries. An 80 in English is fine Very Happy

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:49 pm   Post subject: RE:Can i get into Waterloo

I feel that 80% English is better than average for people getting into Waterloo. It's an important grade, but realistically also the most difficult to get high marks in, due to its often subjective nature. (Math is incredibly easy, the only thing you need to do is be right.)

One thing you should do though, it put together a backup plan. I know of at least a couple of people who should have gotten in, but have not for one reason or another. Things happen. Admissions depend on all the other students applying the same year, so there's always some fluctuation.

the University of Toronto (the downtown campus, not satellite ones) is similar to the University of Waterloo in many ways.
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