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 sound help
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:54 am   Post subject: sound help

I am trying to get some sound working in my program and am having issues. Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong?
var px:int:=10
var py:int:=100
var key: array char of boolean
var x1, y1, xChange, yChange : int := 1
const RADIUS : int := 5

x1 := maxx div 2
y1 := maxy div 2
View.Set ("graphics:1000,600,offscreenonly,title:Pong,position:center;center")
%the above statement sets screen size, positions the screen in the center, and initiates double buffering

process paddlesound
Music.PlayFile ("paddlesound.wav")
end paddlesound

process wallsound
Music.PlayFile ("wallhit.wav")
end wallsound

procedure draw  %draws the left paddle
drawfillbox (px,py,px+10,py+70,white)
end draw

procedure blacky %draws paddle background
drawfillbox (px,py,px+10,py+70,black)
end blacky

Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Input.KeyDown (key)
if key(KEY_UP_ARROW) and py+70<=600 then blacky py+=1
elsif key(KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and py+70>=70 then blacky py-=1
end if
Draw.FillBox (maxx,maxy,0,0,black)
Draw.FillOval (x1, y1, RADIUS, RADIUS, 30)
    x1 += xChange
    y1 += yChange
    if View.WhatDotColor (x1, y1 + RADIUS) = white then
        yChange *= -1 fork paddlesound
    elsif View.WhatDotColor (x1, y1 - RADIUS) = white then
        yChange *= -1 fork paddlesound
    end if
    if View.WhatDotColor (x1 + RADIUS, y1) = white then
        xChange *= -1 fork paddlesound
    elsif View.WhatDotColor (x1 - RADIUS, y1) = white then
        xChange *= -1 fork paddlesound
end if
        end loop

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:43 am   Post subject: RE:sound help

What issues are you having? What are the symptoms of the problem? Keep in mind that many here don't have Turing on their computers (by choice), and may not be able to run your code to find out for themselves, particularly if they're missing "wallhit.wav" and "paddlesound.wav".

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:56 am   Post subject: Re: sound help

There are no "errors" with the code, as far as I can see I have coded it correctly, the only problem is when the sound is supposed to happen it doesn't. I have listened to the sound files outside of turing and they work fine, they have also been used by a friend of mine in a game he had so I'm fairly certain the sounds themselves are fine. Right now I am guessing I have a mistake somwhere that I haven't noticed which is what I'm hoping someone can help me with.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:16 pm   Post subject: Re: sound help

I think the problem is with your View.WhatDotColour collisions.


if View.WhatDotColor (x1, y1 + RADIUS) = white then
        yChange *= -1 fork paddlesound

if your ball is drawn from y1 out until radius, then the colour at y1 + radius will always be the colour of the ball. try expanding the search a bit farther and it should work. if it doesn't, I have no idea what is wrong

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:23 pm   Post subject: RE:sound help

You shouldn't use whatdotcolour to make a collision with your ball. All you have to do is check whether y1 + RADIUS is higher than maxy, y1 - RADIUS is lower than 0, x1 + RADIUS is higher than maxx, and x1 - RADIUS is lower than 0 for your wall collisions. Just change the values a bit to make it match the paddle positions.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:01 pm   Post subject: RE:sound help

Umm did you happen to put the sound files in a separate folder or have you put it beside the save file?
If beside the saved file then everything is fine except maybe the collision...
if the sound file is in another folder likes sounds then you must lab el the folder that the sound is in

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:09 pm   Post subject: Re: sound help

I have updated the code to proper collision detection as you reccomended and I still have no functioning sound, any more ideas?

edit: I fiddled with the code a little, I'm not sure what I did but the sound is working, thanks everyone for the help
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