Computer Science Canada

ice cream

Author:  beedub [ Wed May 14, 2003 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  ice cream

i was wondering how do you think i should make the animation of licking icecream... here is the image (pretty corny... but very very quickly made Wink )

drawline (320, 0, 250, 200, brown)
drawline (320, 0, 390, 200, brown)
drawarc (320, 200, 70, 10, 190, 360, brown)
drawfill (320, 180, brown, brown)
drawfilloval (320, 230, 70, 60, 114)
drawoval (320, 230, 70, 60, black)
drawfilloval (320, 290, 70, 60, 114)
drawoval (320, 290, 70, 60, black)
drawfilloval (320, 350, 70, 60, 114)
drawoval (320, 350, 70, 60, black)

ne ideas??

Author:  Asok [ Wed May 14, 2003 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

drawing crap you should be able to figure out on your own.

personally I'd reccomend 2-3 bmp images displayed in a loop with a delay between them.

1st pic: no tongue
2nd pic: tongue near the cone
3rd pic: tongue touches the cone.

it'd be
1st pic
2nd pic
3rd pic
2nd pic
1st pic
end loop
and you stick you delays in there

Another way I'd reccomend is having 2 bmps one of the icrecream and 1 of the tongue, you then put inside of a for loop coordinates to draw the tongue at repeatedly moving with a cls.
