Computer Science Canada

how do you use JOY STICK on turing???

Author:  lil_li [ Thu May 01, 2003 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  how do you use JOY STICK on turing???

i need to move a ball using joystick (dont want to use keyboard)

please give me a short example ( and i dont understand the f10 help ) Confused

and why is it keep saying "joystick1 did not declared" when i do
Joystick.GetInfo (joystick1, jx, jy, b1, b2)

PLZ Laughing


Author:  Tony [ Thu May 01, 2003 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Joystick.GetInfo (joystick1, jx, jy, b1, b2)

joystick1 remains the same. It just tells the program wich joystick you're using Confused can also be joystick2 (I think)...


jx is your X position
jy is your Y
b1 and b2 are buttons.

Basically it works very much similar to Mouse.Where(x,y,b). It assigns values to the variables you specify.

Author:  Leafs Fan [ Mon May 05, 2003 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

try this site
just scroll down to the Joystick part and there should be some good info for u there...
