Computer Science Canada

Viewing Code

Author:  nate [ Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Viewing Code

When you download the zip files is there any way of seeing the code of the turing file you just downloaded. They all run as exe files so you can't see the code. But is there a way to view it


Author:  Tony [ Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol, no. Thats the different between source code (text file) and exe (program file)

you'd have to reverse engineer the program to get the code (take binary and make up code from that) but even then you'd get C++ and not turing Confused

I'm afraid you'd have to talk to the creator of the program about their source codes (which not many like to give out since they worked hard on it)
