Computer Science Canada


Author:  anywho_ya [ Tue May 04, 2004 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Collisions

K heres my code ... i need the gravity ball to be able to hit the other moving balls

View.Set ("offscreenonly")
var x, y : real
var vx, vy : real
x := maxx div 2
y := maxy div 2
vx := 0
vy := 0.02
var mx, my, mb : int
const gravity := 0.02
var font1, font2 : int
var timeRunning : int
timeRunning := Time.Elapsed

var sx, sy : array 1 .. 5 of real
var vsx, vsy : array 1 .. 5 of real
for i : 1 .. 5
sx (i) := Rand.Int (-maxx, 0)
sy (i) := Rand.Int (0, maxy)
vsx (i) := 1
vsy (i) := 0
end for


Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)

x += vx
y += vy
vy -= gravity

if mb = 1 then
vy += 0.2
end if

drawfillbox (0, 10, maxx, maxy - 10, 120)
drawfillbox (0, maxy, maxx, maxy - 10, 127)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 10, 127)
drawfilloval (round (x), round (y), 5, 5, black)

for i : 1 .. 5
sx (i) += vsx (i)
sy (i) += vsy (i)
drawfilloval (round (sx (i)), round (sy (i)), 10, 10, 42)
if (sx (i) > maxx) then
sx (i) := Rand.Int (-maxx, 0)
sy (i) := Rand.Int (0, maxy)
end if
exit when y < 15 or y > maxy - 15 or Math.Distance (x, y, sx (i), sy (i)) < (5 + 5)
end for

delay (10)
exit when y < 15 or y > maxy - 15
end loop

Author:  Flashkicks [ Wed May 05, 2004 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I tried to help but we cant use the math.Distance command.. Confused Evil or Very Mad

Author:  anywho_ya [ Wed May 05, 2004 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  thx

thx anyway ... i'll keep trying though ... something is wrong with the (i) in the exit when statement ... it says i has not been declared

Author:  anywho_ya [ Wed May 05, 2004 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Figured it out!!

Ok i have figured it out ... i needed to make a boolean statement in the for and exit there and then exit with the loop as well so basically ...

var exitFlag : boolean
for i : 1 .. 5
sx (i) += vsx (i)
sy (i) += vsy (i)
drawfilloval (round (sx (i)), round (sy (i)), r2, r2, 42)
if (sx (i) > maxx) then
sx (i) := Rand.Int (-maxx, 0)
sy (i) := Rand.Int (0, maxy)
end if
exitFlag := Math.Distance (x, y, sx (i), sy (i)) < (r1 + r2)
exit when exitFlag
end for
exit when exitFlag
end loop

% thats to replace the for and exit when statements

thx for ur help
