Computer Science Canada

What is with this strange error in turing?

Author:  s_climax [ Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  What is with this strange error in turing?

When I use the command Input.Keydown and View.Update I get an error.

For Input.Keydown, its says "'KeyDown' is not in the export list of 'Input'

For View.Update it sats, "'Update' is not in the export list of 'View'

Can somone shed some light on this situation?

Author:  Dan [ Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

sounds like you got a old verson of turing.

thos comands are only aviable in turing 4.x. if u look in the news fourm there are post about the newest turing updates and where to get them if u all ready have "bougth" a copy of turing.

Author:  EDEN-E [ Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is with this strange error in turing?

It means Input or View module (i can say module is group of command) has no such a command.

If you are using old version (lastest version is 4.0.5), it can occur.

i suggest you to update turing..........

Author:  gamer [ Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

you might hav found this alredi but..
*link to update v4.0.5
