Computer Science Canada

Help With Writing To A File

Author:  bizkit [ Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Help With Writing To A File

I am creating a cashier file. With every customer it writes to a log file and then its supposed to shift down to the next line, the only problem is that it overwrites the existing log data and wont shift down the line

my code is as follows:

procedure cashierupdate
open : streamnumber, cashiernumber, put
var number : int
number := 1

put : streamnumber, cashupfilestring (flag2)

number += 1
exit when number = flag2
end loop
close : streamnumber
end cashierupdate

i need help with this asap plz thx alot

Author:  Tony [ Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

there're multiple solutions to your problem.

Each time you open the file, it reads/writes from the beginning... So if you don't close the file at the end of your procedure, it shoud not overwrite existing info.

Another approach (need this is you open up the program again). Run a loop to read through entire file, this will place you at the of of it, so you can continue to add new information.


exit when eof(streamnum)
get : steamnum, variable
end loop
