Computer Science Canada

Frogger Timer Issues

Author:  gamedude213 [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Frogger Timer Issues

Create a frogger-like game

As You May See, I have tried to make a timer go up every time frogger reahes the other side of the game and i cannot make it go up after the first time it reahes the other side.

var xmo, ymo, buttonnumber, buttonupdown, winid : int
var x2, x3 : int
var y, x : int
var key : string (1) %Move
var num : int
var y2 : int %road variable
var x4, y4 : int %third car
var x5, y5 : int %fourth car
var x6, y6 : int %fith car
var x7, y7 : int %sixth car
var x8, y8 : int %seventh car
var flyx, flyy : int %y coordinates for fly
var flyy2, flyx2 : int %random coordinates for fly
var lives : int %lives for frog
var points : int %score
var timer, timer2 : int %timer
var level : int
var font2 : int

process leap
play ("g")
end leap

font2 := Font.New ("sans serif:18:bold")
assert font2 > 0
level := 1
timer2 := 0
timer := 120
points := 0
flyx := -300
lives := 3
x8 := 9
y8 := 220
x7 := -400
y7 := 160
y6 := 160
x6 := -300
x5 := -100
y5 := 160
x4 := 0
y4 := -20
x3 := 0
x2 := 0
y2 := 0
y := 0
x := 0
num := 0
View.Set ("offscreenonly")


drawfillbox (0, 0, 639, 399, 14)

drawfillbox (260, 230, 360, 180, 10)
locate (12, 38)
put "Play" ..

drawfillbox (60, 230, 160, 180, 10)
locate (12, 12)
put "Exit" ..

drawfillbox (460, 230, 580, 180, 10)
locate (12, 60)
put "Instructions" ..

Font.Draw ("Frogger Returns", 50, 80, font2, brightblue)
buttonwait ("down", xmo, ymo, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)

if xmo > 260 and xmo < 360 and ymo > 180 and ymo < 230 then %game

x8 := 9
y8 := 220
x7 := -400
y7 := 160
y6 := 160
x6 := -300
x5 := -100
y5 := 160
x4 := 0
y4 := -20
x3 := 0
x2 := 0
y2 := 0
y := 0
x := 0
num := 0
x2 := 0
y2 := 0
timer := 120
timer2 := 0

if timer2 >= 120 then
end if


randint (flyy2, 0, 6)
if flyy2 = 0 then
flyy := -180
elsif flyy2 = 1 then
flyy := -120
elsif flyy2 = 2 then
flyy := -45
elsif flyy2 = 3 then
flyy := 0
elsif flyy2 = 4 then
flyy := 50
elsif flyy2 = 5 then
flyy := 120
elsif flyy2 = 6 then
flyy := 160

end if

randint (flyx2, 1, 13)

if flyx2 = 1 then
flyx := -300
elsif flyx2 = 2 then
flyx := -250
elsif flyx2 = 3 then
flyx := -200
elsif flyx2 = 4 then
flyx := -150
elsif flyx2 = 5 then
flyx := -100
elsif flyx2 = 6 then
flyx := -50
elsif flyx2 = 7 then
flyx := 0
elsif flyx2 = 8 then
flyx := 50
elsif flyx2 = 9 then
flyx := 100
elsif flyx2 = 10 then
flyx := 150
elsif flyx2 = 11 then
flyx := 200
elsif flyx2 = 12 then
flyx := 250
elsif flyx2 = 13 then
flyx := 300
end if

if timer2 >= 120 then

end if


if level > 1 then
timer := timer + 10

end if
end loop


if timer2 >= 120 then

end if

timer2 := round (Time.Elapsed / 1000)

if x <= -320 then
x := -300
elsif x >= 320 then
x := 300
end if

if x > flyx - 10 and x < flyx + 10 and y2 = flyy2 then
points := points + 1
end if

delay (10)

drawfillbox (0, 0, 639, 399, 2)

%bottom Road

drawfillbox (0, 40, 639, 180, 15)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 639, 120, 14)

drawfillbox (0, 220, 639, 340, 15)
drawfillbox (0, 285, 639, 290, 14)

drawfilloval (flyx + 320, flyy + 200, 5, 10, 7) %body

drawoval (flyx + 317, flyy + 195, 5, 7, 7) %wings
drawoval (flyx + 323, flyy + 195, 5, 7, 7)

drawline (flyx + 320, flyy + 205, flyx + 310, flyy + 210, 7)
drawline (flyx + 320, flyy + 200, flyx + 305, flyy + 200, 7)
drawline (flyx + 320, flyy + 195, flyx + 310, flyy + 190, 7)

%right legs
drawline (flyx + 320, flyy + 205, flyx + 330, flyy + 210, 7)
drawline (flyx + 320, flyy + 200, flyx + 335, flyy + 200, 7)
drawline (flyx + 320, flyy + 195, flyx + 330, flyy + 190, 7)

locate (1, 1)

drawfilloval (x + 311, y + 13, 3, 3, 7)
drawfilloval (x + 328, y + 13, 3, 3, 7)

drawfilloval (x + 320, y, 10, 15, 10)

%right leg
drawfilloval (x + 330, y - 10, 5, 7, 10)
drawline (x + 330, y + 193 - 200, x + 335, y + 200 - 200, 10)
drawline (x + 330, y + 193 - 200, x + 332, y + 200 - 200, 10)
drawline (x + 330, y + 190 - 200, x + 338, y + 200 - 200, 10)

%left leg
drawfilloval (x + 310, y + -10, 5, 7, 10)
drawline (x + 310, y + 193 - 200, x + 305, y + 200 - 200, 10)
drawline (x + 310, y + 193 - 200, x + 308, y + 200 - 200, 10)
drawline (x + 310, y + 190 - 200, x + 302, y + 200 - 200, 10)

%car/frog if statement

if x < x2 + 90 and x > x2 - 20 and y2 = 2 then
elsif x < x3 - 110 and x > x3 - 230 and y2 = 2 then
elsif x < x4 + 90 and x > x4 - 20 and y2 = 1 then
elsif x < x5 + 90 and x > x5 - 20 and y2 = 4 then
elsif x < x6 + 90 and x > x6 - 20 and y2 = 4 then
elsif x < x7 + 90 and x > x7 - 20 and y2 = 4 then
elsif x < x8 + 90 and x > x8 - 20 and y2 = 5 then
end if

%frog move statement

if hasch then
getch (key)
num := ord (key)
end if
if num = 203 then
fork leap
x := x - 50

elsif num = 205
fork leap
x := x + 50
elsif num = 200 then
fork leap
y2 := y2 + 1

elsif num = 208 then
fork leap
y2 := y2 - 1
end if

% frog placement

num := 0
if y2 < 0 then
y2 := 0
end if
if y2 = 1 then
y := 80
elsif y2 = 2 then
y := 165
elsif y2 = 3 then
y := 200
elsif y2 = 4 then
y := 260
elsif y2 = 0 then
y := 20
elsif y2 = 5 then
y := 320
elsif y2 = 6 then
y := 365
elsif y2 = 7 then
y := 410
elsif y2 = 7 then
end if

%first Car

%bottom road, top lane

drawfillbox (x2 + 320, 140, x2 + 380, 180, 1)

%front of car
drawline (x2 + 380, 180, x2 + 400, 150, 1)
drawline (x2 + 400, 210 - 60, x2 + 400, 200 - 60, 1)
drawline (x2 + 400, 200 - 60, x2 + 380, 200 - 60, 1)
drawfill (x2 + 390, 205 - 60, 1, 1)

%back of car
drawline (x2 + 320, 180, x2 + 300, 150, 1)
drawline (x2 + 300, 150, x2 + 300, 140, 1)
drawline (x2 + 300, 140, x2 + 320, 140, 1)
drawfill (x2 + 310, 145, 1, 1)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x2 + 320, 145, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x2 + 320, 145, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x2 + 380, 145, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x2 + 380, 145, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x2 + 380, 180, x2 + 390, 165, 7)
drawline (x2 + 390, 165, x2 + 380, 165, 7)
drawline (x2 + 380, 165, x2 + 380, 180, 7)
drawfill (x2 + 384, 173, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x2 + 320, 180, x2 + 310, 165, 7)
drawline (x2 + 310, 165, x2 + 320, 165, 7)
drawline (x2 + 320, 165, x2 + 320, 180, 7)
drawfill (x2 + 316, 173, 7, 7)

%second car

drawfillbox (x3 + 120, 200 - 60, x3 + 180, 240 - 60, 12)

%front of car
drawline (x3 + 180, 180, x3 + 200, 150, 12)
drawline (x3 + 200, 210 - 60, x3 + 200, 200 - 60, 12)
drawline (x3 + 200, 200 - 60, x3 + 180, 200 - 60, 12)
drawfill (x3 + 190, 205 - 60, 12, 12)

%back of car
drawline (x3 + 120, 180, x3 + 100, 150, 12)
drawline (x3 + 100, 150, x3 + 100, 140, 12)
drawline (x3 + 100, 140, x3 + 120, 140, 12)
drawfill (x3 + 110, 145, 12, 12)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x3 + 120, 145, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x3 + 120, 145, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x3 + 180, 145, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x3 + 180, 145, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x3 + 180, 180, x3 + 190, 165, 7)
drawline (x3 + 190, 165, x3 + 180, 165, 7)
drawline (x3 + 180, 165, x3 + 180, 180, 7)
drawfill (x3 + 184, 173, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x3 + 120, 180, x3 + 110, 165, 7)
drawline (x3 + 110, 165, x3 + 120, 165, 7)
drawline (x3 + 120, 165, x3 + 120, 180, 7)
drawfill (x3 + 116, 173, 7, 7)

%bottom road, bottom lane

%third car
drawfillbox (x4 + 320, 80 + y4, x4 + 380, 120 + y4, 2)

%front of car
drawline (x4 + 380, 120 + y4, x4 + 400, 90 + y4, 2)
drawline (x4 + 400, 90 + y4, x4 + 400, 80 + y4, 2)
drawline (x4 + 400, 80 + y4, x4 + 380, 80 + y4, 2)
drawfill (x4 + 390, 85 + y4, 2, 2)

%back of car
drawline (x4 + 320, 120 + y4, x4 + 300, 90 + y4, 2)
drawline (x4 + 300, 90 + y4, x4 + 300, 80 + y4, 2)
drawline (x4 + 300, 80 + y4, x4 + 320, 80 + y4, 2)
drawfill (x4 + 310, 85 + y4, 2, 2)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x4 + 320, 85 + y4, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x4 + 320, 85 + y4, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x4 + 380, 85 + y4, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x4 + 380, 85 + y4, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x4 + 380, 120 + y4, x4 + 390, 105 + y4, 7)
drawline (x4 + 390, 105 + y4, x4 + 380, 105 + y4, 7)
drawline (x4 + 380, 105 + y4, x4 + 380, 120 + y4, 7)
drawfill (x4 + 384, 113 + y4, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x4 + 320, 120 + y4, x4 + 310, 105 + y4, 7)
drawline (x4 + 310, 105 + y4, x4 + 320, 105 + y4, 7)
drawline (x4 + 320, 105 + y4, x4 + 320, 120 + y4, 7)
drawfill (x4 + 316, 113 + y4, 7, 7)

%top road, bottom lane
%Car Four
drawfillbox (x5 + 320, 80 + y5, x5 + 380, 120 + y5, 3)

%front of car
drawline (x5 + 380, 120 + y5, x5 + 400, 90 + y5, 3)
drawline (x5 + 400, 90 + y5, x5 + 400, 80 + y5, 3)
drawline (x5 + 400, 80 + y5, x5 + 380, 80 + y5, 3)
drawfill (x5 + 390, 85 + y5, 3, 3)

%back of car
drawline (x5 + 320, 120 + y5, x5 + 300, 90 + y5, 3)
drawline (x5 + 300, 90 + y5, x5 + 300, 80 + y5, 3)
drawline (x5 + 300, 80 + y5, x5 + 320, 80 + y5, 3)
drawfill (x5 + 310, 85 + y5, 3, 3)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x5 + 320, 85 + y5, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x5 + 320, 85 + y5, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x5 + 380, 85 + y5, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x5 + 380, 85 + y5, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x5 + 380, 120 + y5, x5 + 390, 105 + y5, 7)
drawline (x5 + 390, 105 + y5, x5 + 380, 105 + y5, 7)
drawline (x5 + 380, 105 + y5, x5 + 380, 120 + y5, 7)
drawfill (x5 + 384, 113 + y5, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x5 + 320, 120 + y5, x5 + 310, 105 + y5, 7)
drawline (x5 + 310, 105 + y5, x5 + 320, 105 + y5, 7)
drawline (x5 + 320, 105 + y5, x5 + 320, 120 + y5, 7)
drawfill (x5 + 316, 113 + y5, 7, 7)

%fith car
drawfillbox (x6 + 320, 80 + y6, x6 + 380, 120 + y6, 4)

%front of car
drawline (x6 + 380, 120 + y6, x6 + 400, 90 + y6, 4)
drawline (x6 + 400, 90 + y6, x6 + 400, 80 + y6, 4)
drawline (x6 + 400, 80 + y6, x6 + 380, 80 + y6, 4)
drawfill (x6 + 390, 85 + y6, 4, 4)

%back of car
drawline (x6 + 320, 120 + y6, x6 + 300, 90 + y6, 4)
drawline (x6 + 300, 90 + y6, x6 + 300, 80 + y6, 4)
drawline (x6 + 300, 80 + y6, x6 + 320, 80 + y6, 4)
drawfill (x6 + 310, 85 + y6, 4, 4)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x6 + 320, 85 + y6, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x6 + 320, 85 + y6, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x6 + 380, 85 + y6, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x6 + 380, 85 + y6, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x6 + 380, 120 + y6, x6 + 390, 105 + y6, 7)
drawline (x6 + 390, 105 + y6, x6 + 380, 105 + y6, 7)
drawline (x6 + 380, 105 + y6, x6 + 380, 120 + y6, 7)
drawfill (x6 + 384, 113 + y6, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x6 + 320, 120 + y6, x6 + 310, 105 + y6, 7)
drawline (x6 + 310, 105 + y6, x6 + 320, 105 + y6, 7)
drawline (x6 + 320, 105 + y6, x6 + 320, 120 + y6, 7)
drawfill (x6 + 316, 113 + y6, 7, 7)

%top road, bottom lane
%sixth car

drawfillbox (x7 + 320, 80 + y7, x7 + 380, 120 + y7, 5)

%front of car
drawline (x7 + 380, 120 + y7, x7 + 400, 90 + y7, 5)
drawline (x7 + 400, 90 + y7, x7 + 400, 80 + y7, 5)
drawline (x7 + 400, 80 + y7, x7 + 380, 80 + y7, 5)
drawfill (x7 + 390, 85 + y7, 5, 5)

%back of car
drawline (x7 + 320, 120 + y7, x7 + 300, 90 + y7, 5)
drawline (x7 + 300, 90 + y7, x7 + 300, 80 + y7, 5)
drawline (x7 + 300, 80 + y7, x7 + 320, 80 + y7, 5)
drawfill (x7 + 310, 85 + y7, 5, 5)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x7 + 320, 85 + y7, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x7 + 320, 85 + y7, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x7 + 380, 85 + y7, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x7 + 380, 85 + y7, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x7 + 380, 120 + y7, x7 + 390, 105 + y7, 7)
drawline (x7 + 390, 105 + y7, x7 + 380, 105 + y7, 7)
drawline (x7 + 380, 105 + y7, x7 + 380, 120 + y7, 7)
drawfill (x7 + 384, 113 + y7, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x7 + 320, 120 + y7, x7 + 310, 105 + y7, 7)
drawline (x7 + 310, 105 + y7, x7 + 320, 105 + y7, 7)
drawline (x7 + 320, 105 + y7, x7 + 320, 120 + y7, 7)
drawfill (x7 + 316, 113 + y7, 7, 7)

%seventh Car

%top road, top lane

drawfillbox (x8 + 320, 80 + y8, x8 + 380, 120 + y8, 12)

%front of car
drawline (x8 + 380, 120 + y8, x8 + 400, 90 + y8, 12)
drawline (x8 + 400, 90 + y8, x8 + 400, 80 + y8, 12)
drawline (x8 + 400, 80 + y8, x8 + 380, 80 + y8, 12)
drawfill (x8 + 390, 85 + y8, 12, 12)

%back of car
drawline (x8 + 320, 120 + y8, x8 + 300, 90 + y8, 12)
drawline (x8 + 300, 90 + y8, x8 + 300, 80 + y8, 12)
drawline (x8 + 300, 80 + y8, x8 + 320, 80 + y8, 12)
drawfill (x8 + 310, 85 + y8, 12, 12)

%left tire
drawfilloval (x8 + 320, 85 + y8, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x8 + 320, 85 + y8, 5, 5, 15)

%right tire
drawfilloval (x8 + 380, 85 + y8, 10, 10, 7)
drawfilloval (x8 + 380, 85 + y8, 5, 5, 15)

%right window

drawline (x8 + 380, 120 + y8, x8 + 390, 105 + y8, 7)
drawline (x8 + 390, 105 + y8, x8 + 380, 105 + y8, 7)
drawline (x8 + 380, 105 + y8, x8 + 380, 120 + y8, 7)
drawfill (x8 + 384, 113 + y8, 7, 7)
%left window
drawline (x8 + 320, 120 + y8, x8 + 310, 105 + y8, 7)
drawline (x8 + 310, 105 + y8, x8 + 320, 105 + y8, 7)
drawline (x8 + 320, 105 + y8, x8 + 320, 120 + y8, 7)
drawfill (x8 + 316, 113 + y8, 7, 7)

%car moving

x2 := x2 + 8
x3 := x3 + 8
x4 := x4 + 10
x5 := x5 - 9
x6 := x6 - 9
x7 := x7 - 8
x8 := x8 - 10

% if cars going right to far off

if x2 = 600 or x2 > 700 or x3 = 600 or x3 > 700 or x4 > 800 then
x2 := -400
x3 := -350
x4 := -400

end if

%if cars going left go off
if x6 <= -1100 then
x5 := 800
x6 := 600
x7 := 1100
end if

%final car going off
if x8 <= -400 then
x8 := 800
end if

locate (1, 1)

put "Score ", points, " ", "Lives ", lives, " Time:", timer - timer2, " Level:", level ..

if y2 = 7 then
level := level + 1

end if

if timer2 >= 120 then

end if

end loop

if x < x2 + 90 and x > x2 - 20 and y2 = 2 then
lives := lives - 1
elsif x < x3 - 110 and x > x3 - 230 and y2 = 2 then
lives := lives - 1
elsif x < x4 + 90 and x > x4 - 20 and y2 = 1 then
lives := lives - 1
elsif x < x5 + 90 and x > x5 - 20 and y2 = 4 then
lives := lives - 1
elsif x < x6 + 90 and x > x6 - 20 and y2 = 4 then
lives := lives - 1
elsif x < x7 + 90 and x > x7 - 20 and y2 = 4 then
lives := lives - 1
elsif x < x8 + 90 and x > x8 - 20 and y2 = 5 then
lives := lives - 1
end if

if lives = 0 then
end if
if y2 = 7 then

end if

locate (1, 1)
put "Score ", points, " ", "Lives ", lives, " Time:", timer - timer2, " Level:", level ..


if timer2 >= 120 then

end if

end loop

if timer2 >= 120 then

end if

if lives <= 0 then
end if

locate (1, 1)
put "Score ", points, " ", "Lives ", lives, " Time:", timer - timer2, " Level:", level ..

end loop

elsif xmo > 60 and xmo < 160 and ymo > 180 and y < 230 then %exit

elsif xmo > 460 and xmo < 580 and ymo > 180 and ymo < 230 then %instructions

put "Welocome to Frogger Returns!"
put "Here you are again, ready to help old frogger get across the road without becoming creamed Smile"
put "to help him use the arrow keys to make him jump, and try to stay on the fly as long as you can, youll get more points,"
put "but make sure you watch your time, you will get 10 secounds extra on your start time for every time you go on to the next level "

drawfillbox (20, 20, 120, 120, 10)
locate (21, 8)
put "Exit" ..

buttonwait ("down", xmo, ymo, buttonnumber, buttonupdown)
if xmo > 20 and xmo < 120 and ymo > 20 and ymo < 120 then
end if
end loop

end if

end loop

winid := Window.GetActive
Window.Hide (winid)

I am using 4.1.1 i think, though i made this at school and am not sure what version that is

Author:  Nai [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Frogger Timer Issues

Next time, why don't you just post the uploaded file gamedude? It makes it a lot easier for anyone trying to help you.

Author:  gamedude213 [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frogger Timer Issues

heres the uploaded file

Author:  gamedude213 [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Frogger Timer Issues

bump for help

Author:  gamedude213 [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Frogger Timer Issues

i need this for tomorow so any help would be appericiated

Author:  TheGuardian001 [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frogger Timer Issues

Wheee... late reply. Oh well.

First, I should probably say that your code is incredibly hard to read. use meaningful variable names. I have no idea what "x" is or how it differs from "x2". Names like "froggerX" or "carX" are much more helpful.

If the problem you are having is resetting the timer/changing the time on the timer, just look at when you are changing them. If you want the timer to change when frogger hits the top of the screen, then you should check if frogger has hit that spot, and change the timer. You currently seem to be changing it in several spots and using statements like "if level > 1". instead of over complicating it, just check if he's at the top of the screen.
