Text.ColorPart of Text module

Syntax   Text.Color ( Color : int )

Description   The Text.Color procedure is used to change the currently-active color. This is the color of characters that are to be put on the screen. The alternate spelling is Text.Colour.

Example   This program prints out the message "Bravo" three times, each in a different color.

        View.Set ( "graphics" )
        for i : 1 .. 3
            Text.Color ( i )
            put "Bravo"
        end for
Example   This program prints out a message. The color of each letter is different from the preceding letter. For letter number i the color number is i mod maxcolor + 1. This cycles repeatedly through all the available colors.

        View.Set ( "screen" )
        const message := "Happy New Year!!"
        for i : 1 .. length ( message )
            Text.Color ( i mod maxcolor + 1 )
            put message ( i ) ..
        end for
Details   In "screen" mode on the IBM PC, the color specified can actually range from 0 - 31. The upper 16 colors (16-31) are the same as the lower 16, except that they blink.

See View.Set for the number of colors available in the various "graphics" modes.

The screen should be in a "screen" or "graphics" mode. If the screen mode has not been set, it will automatically be set to "screen" mode. See View.Set for details.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Text.Color, not by calling Color.

See also   Text.ColorBack, Text.WhatColor, Text.WhatChar and View.maxcolor.