Sprite.ChangePicPart of Sprite module

Syntax   Sprite.ChangePic (spriteID, picID : int)

Description   Changes the picture associated with a sprite while maintaining the sprites height and visibility status. A typical use Sprite.ChangePic would be to animate a sprite that stays in position.

Example   Here is a program that t that loads six images from files Pic1.bmp through Pic6.bmp and then displays them sequentially in the center of the screen.

        var pics : array 0 .. 5 of int
        var sprite: int
        for i : 1 .. 6
            pics (i  1) := Pic.FileNew ("Pic" + intstr (i) + ".bmp")
            if Error.Last not= 0 then
                put "Error loading image: ", Error.LastMsg
            end if
        end for
        figure := Sprite.New (pics (0))
        Sprite.SetPosition (sprite, maxx div 2, maxy div 2, true)
        Sprite.Show (sprite)
        for i : 1 .. 100
            Sprite.ChangePic (sprite, pics (i mod 6))
        end for
        Sprite.Free (sprite)
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Sprite.ChangePic, not by calling ChangePic.

See also   Sprite.New.