Music.SoundPart of Music module

Syntax   Music.Sound ( frequency, duration : int )

Description   The Music.Sound statement is used to cause the computer to sound a note of a given frequency for a given time. The frequency is in cycles per second (Hertz). The time duration is in milliseconds. For example, middle A on a piano is 440 Hertz, so Music.Sound(440, 1000) plays middle A for one second.

Sounds are produced synchronously on a per process basis. This means that when a process executes a Music.Sound or Music.Play command, it stops until the command is finished. However, other processes will continue executing.

Example   This program plays a siren sound in the background.

        process siren
                for i : 100 .. 3000 by 100
                    Music.Sound ( i, 50 )   % Sound note
                end for
                for decreasing i : 2900 .. 200 by 100
                    Music.Sound ( i, 50 )   % Sound note
                end for
            end loop
        end siren
        fork siren
        … the rest of the program goes here while the siren continues …

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Music.Sound, not by calling Sound.

See also   Music.Play statement, which plays notes based on musical notation. For example, Music.Play("8C") plays an eighth note of middle C.